birthday blues

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this was requested by @gaybestfriend22.

y/n can't spend her birthday with mama, but she has scar and flo with her. 

y/n is 10 here 

hope you enjoy 

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y/n woke up to the bright sun streaming in her face. it was her 10th birthday! but why wasn't she happy? y/n rubbed her eyes and yawned, sitting up in bed. honestly, this was y/n's first birthday without her mama. 

"hey, y/n/n," she heard a voice outside the door.

"can i come in?"


"hi flo," y/n greeted.

"hi birthday girl," flo replied, "why are you sad?"

"i'm not."

"yes you are, y/n, tell me."

y/n looked down, not wanting to cry. 

"hey, you can tell me..."

"it's just- it's my first birthday without my mom and i miss her," y/n confessed.

"awh...i know. why don't you give her a call?" 

"oh...yeah, sure." 

flo walked out of the room, while y/n dialed her mom's number.

after a minute of the ringing, the phone said, 'your call has been-'

y/n pressed the voicemail button.

"hi mama, please call me when you get the chance. i'm 10 today! i really miss you...and i know you're busy but i would love to hear your voice. love you..."

y/n sat down and sighed. 

she walked into the bathroom and washed her face. y/n didn't want to change, so she stayed in her pjs. she walked into the kitchen without noticing scarlett, florence, and lizzie there. 

"jesus christ-" she put her hand on her chest.

"gonna give me a heart attack. scared the hell outta me."

"hi y/n/n!" lizzie cheered.

"hi lizzie."

"happy birthday!"

"thank you," y/n smiled.

y/n's phone began ringing.

"i'll be back," y/n told them.

"hi mama."

"hi baby, happy birthday!

"thanks mama."

"sorry i didn't respond, i was shopping for groceries."

"it's ok. i miss you."

"i miss you too."

"how are you?"

"i'm okay. how bout you?"

"a little homesick but pretty good."

"aw i know. have a great birthday."

"thank you mama. i love you."

"i love you too..."

y/n's mom hung up the phone and she finally smiled. she walked back into the kitchen.

"so what do you wanna do today?"

"it's your birthday, you choose!"

"i can't decide stuff..." 

"okay, lizzie choose."

"what? why me?"

"i'll be right back," y/n smirked.

"oh god...i know that face," florence said. 


"guys where'd she go?" lizzie asked.

y/n was about to do something great.

she was going to scare anthony mackie. 

y/n looked around, before she spotted him on a couch. she place her phone on record and snuck up behind him.


"AHHHHHH," anthony screamed like a little girl. 

"HAHAHAHA!" y/n cackled.

"you little-" 

y/n sent the video to sebastian, while anthony was rambling about how he'd get her back. y/n ran back to lizzie, scarlett, and flo.

"what did you do," scarlett sighed. 



sebastian posted the video on his instagram. 

"heh," y/n laughed.

"what's so funny?"

"i- uh, i need to go to the bathroom."


y/n walked into the bathroom and anthony jumped out of the shower curtains.

"AHH!" anthony yelled, trying to scare her.

"AHHHHHHH!" y/n screamed, sprinting out. 



"already posted."


he ran out.

"it's on..." y/n mumbled. 

scarlett, florence, and lizzie were all laughing.

"i'll get him..." y/n smirked.

"oh boy..."


that's it.

comment requests you have 

hope you liked it

love ya 3000

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