too much

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thanks chonisloves for the request

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thanks chonisloves for the request. 

Y/n knew she could do it, well, she had to, at least, in her own mind. She had to be good, great even. She needed to prove that she was independent and could do things by herself. She needed to do all the stunts and what not on her own. Until one day, she just couldn't do it. Take after take.

"Hey, Y/n, why don't we try out a stunt double?"

"No! No, it's okay, just let me practice, please!" Y/n frantically replied. 

"Okay, I'll give you another day or so. But I think it would be a good idea for a stunt double."

No matter how hard Y/n worked, or how much she practiced, she couldn't get it right. She felt that nothing she did was good enough. So, she walked inside her trailer and locked the door.

 Being an actress on a Marvel set, not even being a teenager yet, was stressful, and a lot of pressure on a little kid. 

"Hey Y/n, you okay in there?" Florence asked. Y/n didn't want to respond.

"Y/n please open the door," Florence pleaded.

Y/n eventually gave in, and opened the door. 

"Are you okay? You know, you did a great job out there, better than I would've done." 

"Really?" Y/n looked up, with glossy eyes.

"Hey, hey, yeah, you did so good! And you know, you've been working so hard, and I'm so proud of you." 

"R-really?? B-because I don't think I'm good," Y/n looked down. 

"Well you must be fooling yourself. And it's okay to take a break sometimes. It's also okay to let out your feelings when you need to."

"O-okay," Y/n sniffed, hugging Florence. "I guess it is." 

its short sorry but i need to go soon

love you 3000

[dec. 29. 21]

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