mama flo?

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thank you @juliana__welch for the suggestion! 

thank you @juliana__welch for the suggestion! 

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y/n will be around 2-3, like you said. i've decided they're filming hawkeye here, just to change it up. hailee watched y/n while flo is filming. 

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i woke up to y/n snuggling on my chest. 

"y/n/n...wake up," i nudged her. 

"no mamma...still sleepy."

"baby, i gotta go soon," i sighed.

"can i go?"

"i can't take you," i replied.

"why not?"


"pwease mamma! i'll be good," she gave me puppy dog eyes.


she continued looking at me like that.

"alright, okay. you can come," i chuckled.

i lifted her onto my hip and walked downstairs. i made us some breakfast to eat, and got myself, along with y/n ready. i loaded her into the car and drove off to set.

"now you stay inside ok? i won't be long," i told her.

"yes mamma."

i held her as i walked on, greeting my cast members.

"oh my god! can i have her?" hailee cheered.

"yes please," i laughed.

"yay," hailee walked off with y/n.

i finished a small scene after around 30 minutes, and walked to hailee. she was holding y/n and braiding her hair. 


"hi y/n/n," i replied.

"hailee, they need you for a scene, thanks again."

"no problem! i'll be happy to watch her more," she got up.

"mamma, can i have cuddles?"

"yes baby."

i picked her up and walked inside the trailer. she laid her head on my chest and i gently rubbed her back. 

"y/n/ tired?"

"yes mamma, i tired...can i go sleeps?" 

"yes, go sleeps," i cooed. 

i held her close to my chest as she fell asleep. i couldn't be happier to have a daughter like her.

awh that was cute to make. thank you @juliana__welch for the suggestion. it's short and sweet, or i tried, lol. 

i start school in 3 days nOoOoOoOooOoOOoOOo

i'll still update frequently, 

hope you enjoyed!

comment or inbox ur requests.

ily 3000 <3

[Sep 6, 2021]

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