daddy issues ²

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part 2 of 'daddy issues'

requested by @JanaMaximoff to make another part

*tw: abuse*

*mild mention of r^pe* *

y/n is 12.

btw - the cast isn't filming right now, they have a week long break.  

i walked into my hotel room, noticing something odd. 

"i told you i would call the cops if i saw you again," i snapped.

"darling, you can't do that," he slurred, obviously drunk.

he took too many steps toward me.

"get out of here."

"no can do, sweetheart," he replied.

i took out my phone and was ready to call the police, until he slammed a beer bottle on my head. i let out a scream and fell to the floor, feeling warm liquid run down my head. i saw him walk towards me as he laughed. he grabbed me by my arm and lifted me up, shoving his hand down my shirt. i kicked and screamed at him. 

"stop squirming," he barked.

"GET OFF ME!" i yelled.

"i wish i could, princess," he smirked.

this was horrifying. this would haunt me till the day i die. 

"y/n, i was going to say goodnight b-" scarlett started, as her and lizzie came in. 

"oh so this was your plan..." he sneered.

"what the fuck is going on! get off her!" someone yelled.

"call the police."

within moments, the hotel security arrived. they handcuffed him and took him away. i was shaking. scarlett and lizzie came rushing towards me. lizzie was about to grab me but i swatted her hand away.

"d-don't touch me."

"oh y/n..." scarlett mumbled.

"i'm sorry," i apologized. i didn't mean to hurt lizzie's feelings.

"no need to apologize," lizzie told me.

"but babe, why won't you let me touch you..." 

"i don't wanna talk about it..." i sobbed.

"hun, we need to get that forehead fixed."

robert and some others walked in.

"everything okay?" he asked.

i knew they would never do anything to me, but i was too scared to believe that. robert walked towards me.

"y/n/n? what happened?" 

i backed away from him.

lizzie got up and walked to them.

"i think you guys should leave..." she told them.

they exchanged worried glances but obeyed. 

lizzie came back and offered to carry me into the kitchen so i could get patched up. 

"can i?"

i slowly nodded my head. she hoisted me off the ground, and i laid my head on her shoulder. 

scarlett dabbed my forehead with a soft piece of gauze. i winced at the stinging and she gently blew on it. after that, she put a bandage on.

"that'll do it."

"thanks scar," i murmured. 

she brushed the hair out of my face and gave me a reassuring smile. 

i closed my eyes, and fell into darkness, holding on to lizzie.

"y/n/n, wake up," lizzie nudged me. 


"are you alright?"

i paused at the question as i felt my eyes tearing up.

"no...i didn't mean to make you cry..."

i buried my face into her chest and sobbed. 

"shh...let it all out..." she cooed. 

i fell asleep again. the next morning, my eyes hurt, and i remembered everything that happened last night. 

"hi y/n. was your sleep okay?" lizzie asked.

i nodded. 

i stood up and walked to the kitchen. my hand was trembling as i reached for the cereal. i decided not to eat yet. i turned around and saw my dad. only for a split second, then he vanished. 

it's in your head

it's all in your head

i was scared. i didn't tell my mom yet, because i don't want her to have more on her plate. 

but most of all, i felt ashamed. and embarrassed. it wasn't my fault, but i felt that way. what would the world think about it? people always find out. i had to tell my mom at one point. 

"y/n, you alright?" lizzie asked. 

"y-yeah, i'm fine." 

"i have to go get ready, and scarlett is at a photoshoot, but florence is coming over now."

"okay lizzie, thank you."

she nodded and opened the door, with florence already there. 

"hi y/n/n," she said, in a soft tone.

"hi flo," i responded.

"how are you?" 

"i'm fine," i lied.

"y/n...if you need to talk, please do talk to me."

"thanks, flo." 

"wanna watch a movie?"


i got off the chair and walked to the couch, until i spotted my dad again. i froze for a second, until he disappeared.

"y/n?? what happened??"

"n-nothing, just zoned out..."

she gave me 'a look' and walked over to the couch.

we watched movies and cuddled together. 

i finally felt myself again, just for a moment.

hey guys!

that was another traumatic one-shot.

i may make a part 3 if you'd like. 

any requests, please comment them.

(kid/young teen)

love you 3000 <3

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