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katxxstories thank you!!

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katxxstories thank you!!

just a quick heads up: it's going to be different than the request, i hope that's okay. still the same idea of mama lizzie & scarlett. 

y/n is any age, no younger than 8 probably! 

sorry for not updating in a while, i had a huge final this week and i been really stressed out. 


i think i'm gonna cry writing this, we'll see

here's the chapter \\

Y/n laid on her plain, small bed, in the bedroom she hated - her dad's house. Everything there was gross, it was dirty, cramped, smelled of alcohol and weed, and she couldn't wait to go back to her real home - the marvel set. 

It was true, everything about it, the cast, especially Scarlett, Lizzie, and Florence made her feel like she had a place to go to, without being scared out of her mind. It wasn't like the dysfunctional family she had now. 

She always wished for a mother, her own being in 'the sky', (as she wished and believed to be true) and Scarlett or Lizzie were the closest things she had to a mom. She still remembers the day her mother passed like it was yesterday, and with the death anniversary coming up in a day, it was so much worse. 

"Momma! Where are you?" she skipped around the house, holding a small bouquet of daisies, her mother's favorite. "Hellooo?"

Her mother lay on the creaky, wooden floors, "Momma wake up," Y/n bent down. Y/n even kissed her, just like in the movies, when the princess would wake up. 

"I got you daisies," she poked her sunken cheeks. "Momma, please open your eyes."

Loud footsteps were heard, making the small girl shrink farther into her sweatshirt. 

"What the hell did you do!" A deep voice yelled, causing a shiver to travel down Y/n's spine. 

"I-I w-went ins-side and m-momma was s-sleeping," she trembled, her bottom lip quivering. 

He bent down to feel a nonexistent pulse. "WHAT DID YOU DO?" he screamed.

"I-I didn't d-do a-anything," she cried.


The newly six year old felt a wave of guilt wash over her, as she realized, she killed her mother. That never left. 

Y/n curled up in a ball, wanting to dial Scarlett's number to take her away from here. She closed her eyes, only two more days here. Only two more days. 

She woke up in the morning, feeling a dark shadow loom over her. Every year, he reminded her. Of what she did. Of what she didn't do. 

"You," he spat, "it's your fault, YOU MURDERER!" he shouted throwing his glass bottle on the floor. 

She couldn't argue, she couldn't speak. Just a little longer, and then she would pass out for the day. 

He grabbed the transparent-like brown glass shard, and lifted her shirt. "You deserve pain, and you deserve do die," he snarled, his cold pale-blue eyes filled with rage.

He lifted her light-green shirt and and dragged the glass along her stomach. Not deep enough to kill her, but enough to make her suffer. 

"I'll fuck you up little girl," he smiled, showing off his crooked teeth, "and I'll enjoy every second of it."

Her short breaths were labored, from the agonizing pain of the cuts. The crimson liquid dripping down was fresh, and it pooled out underneath her. 

His calloused hands held her by the neck, pinning her on the wall, choking her. "I should just kill you now," he chuckled. Y/n felt her vision grow cloudy, as she prayed and prayed for it to be over already. "But where's the fun in that?" he questioned, dropping her to the floor. 

She wheezed and leaned against the stained wall, as he slammed the cracked door shut, leaving. She quietly crawled to her old phone, dialing someone - anyone's number. 

"Please, someone," she cry-whispered, as she dialed Scarlett. 

"Your call has been for-" the phone started, as Y/n hung up and called Florence.

"Your call has-" 

Y/n dialed 'Lizzie', and waited for the voice again.


"I-I didn't mean to bother you up, b-but c-can you please get me out of here?? C-can you help me? I don't have anyo-"

"Y/n. Y/n, sweetie, slow down, what's going on? Send me the address."


"You can tell me in the car, I'm on my way."

Y/n patiently waited, leaning against the wall to get to the front door. He left, or she hoped he left. 

Lizzie somehow managed to get there very quickly, "Y/n. Oh Y/n, what happened?"

Y/n got inside the car, "It's my fault," she sobbed.

"Y/n, what's your fault?" 

"I killed her," she cried, "It's a-all my fault s-she's gone."

"Y/n..I'm sure you didn't do anything. You're okay. Just breathe," Lizzie cooed. 

They arrived at Lizzie's home and she helped Y/n out. "Let's get you cleaned up."

"So, you going to tell me what happened?"

It was only fair to tell her, Y/n thought. "I-it was my m-mom's death anniversary t-today, a-and m-my dad h-hates me and s-says I killed h-her," Y/n hiccuped. 

"Oh Y/n," Lizzie cooed, looking up from cleaning her stomach. "I'm so sorry. Do you need me to call someone for you? I could call the police- Shoot. I need to call the police. I'll be right back."

"W-wait! He'll kill me," Y/n shrunk in her chair.

"Y/n, I won't let that happen to you sweet girl, mkay? Now apply pressure to that wound."

Y/n grabbed the towel and pressed it on her cuts, wincing in pain. She felt a wave of relief wash over her frantic state, so thankful she had Lizzie - and everyone Marvel in her life. 

That night, she did get her wound fixed, and the bruises along her neck would heal, but the memories wouldn't. However, she had so many amazing people by her side to get her through all of this. 

that took so long

i'm in the process of making a new cover!! :)

hope you enjoyed

bruh i cried 

love you 3000 x


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