all grown up

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(another dumb title)

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thank you for the request. 

i am changing it up. y/n will be 12-13, because that's my age range. it'll be a little easier for me to write. however, you can choose whatever age if you want, i'd say no older than a teen. 

y/n is really moody. she has been trying to act grown up, so maybe her parents will give her some respect. she's angry, and acting out at the cast. she begins to slowly hate herself, thinking she's not good enough.



i'm in a weird mood rn so it's sad ok


soundtrack includes: BRUTAL by OLIVIA RODRIGO 

'i'm not cool, and i'm not smart, and i can't even parallel park!'

Y/n recently has been feeling like she needs to grow up. She needs to be more than what she is. Y/n has never felt good about herself. It's always, 'stay in good shape', or 'eat less', from her parents. I guess she never had a true childhood. Y/n thought, maybe if she acted grown up, then she would get the treatment and respect she deserves. 

Today, she was especially moody. Her mom put her on a stupid diet, consisting of disgusting foods, with barely any calories, or nutrients, for that matter. 

"Y/n, want to come to dinner with us?" Scarlett walked inside. 

Y/n was about to say yes, but forgot about limiting her food choices. She felt her chest pang, a wave of anger washing over her. 

"No," Y/n replied, grumbling.

"Y/n, I don't think you've eaten much today, and the cast wants to do a get together. Maybe a small interview," Scarlett reasoned. 

"I said no!" Y/n snapped, regretting it. 

Shock took over Scarlett's eyes, as she walked out and closed the door. Y/n felt her eyes tear up, going to the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror. 

"I HATE YOU!" she screamed, punching the mirror.


Her fist was now bleeding.

"I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!" she screamed, her voice hoarse, and broken. 

She grabbed a broken shard, and stabbed her wrist with it. Y/n washed the blood off and wrapped her wrist and knuckles. She decided to go out and wander somewhere. Somewhere far away. Y/n stepped outside, and began strolling, the sun setting. She had her hands in her pockets, and her head down low. It was getting dark. Too dark for a young girl to walk the streets. 

"Y/n?" a familiar voice called.

Y/n kept walking, picking up the pace.

"Y/n, what the hell are you doing?" Scarlett asked, catching up. 

She rolled her eyes, and continued on. 

"Y/N!" Scarlett grabbed her wrist, her face turning into a horrified expression. 

"WHAT?" she yanked her hurting wrist away. 

"Y/n...why are you doing this to yourself," Scarlett said, in a soft tone.


"No one hates you Y/n!" 

"YES THEY DO! AND I FINALLY KNOW WHY," Y/n's voice broke, "because I'm starting to hate me too." 

"Y/n...there are so many people who love you. No matter how bad you feel, you shouldn't be hurting yourself. You shouldn't be walking in the dark! You're a child!" 

"I'm sick of it! I can't keep this up! My parents don't respect me at all! The one way I can maybe get it..." 

"Y/n...please. Let's sort this out somewhere else," Scarlett pleaded. 

Y/n walked towards Scarlett, and engulfed her in a hug

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Y/n walked towards Scarlett, and engulfed her in a hug. Scarlett was surprised, but went with it. 

"It's gonna be okay," Scarlett stroked Y/n's hair. 

"Lizzie loves you, Florence loves you, David loves you, Rachel loves you," Scarlett started, "and I love you." 

Y/n cried into Scarlett's chest. 


i don't even know

that was emotional


that wasn't what you expected, aye?

what the hell was it then


that was really hard to spell

comment more requests, or inbox me! i have tonight and another full day before more school. i want to fit as many as i can. 

I LOVE YOU 3000 

yes you Lillie_Olsen <3

and all of you guys! 


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