"If there's something I consider as the most challenging with being a teacher, it would be to use ordinary words to explain complex ideas.
It is not easy, I definitely mean it, because the ability to understand and be understood seems like a distant dream for most people nowadays. Life-- thoughts, feelings, and most especially, people are complicated.
This, I guess, is also one of the reasons why I write.
Poetry, I always believed, doesn't always need to be unfathomable just to be beautiful and remarkable. Just as much as we writers don't need to be understood to express what we feel, we neither need to be push ourselves to use highfalutin words just for our works to be worthy of reading.
Sometimes, the simplest words, if poured with the sincerest feelings, can heal deep and long neglected wounds; the same way they can break someone's heart too.
Because usually, those few simple words which seemed too obvious are the ones we often end up regretting for being left unsaid.
And maybe, just maybe, that's where everything gets complicated."
- Aries Writes
"I've never met a single soul who has never had any regret in his life. This thing, I've come to realize, is both normal and special at the same time. Normal, in a sense that it's everyone's nature to be afraid of giving their all in fear of rejection. We all have wounds and scars for a reason, and it's only natural to want to protect your heart.
But that's why regrets are special too. It teaches us that sometimes, there will be people who will come into your life and will make you realize that there is something even scarier and more painful than scars-- and that is having your happiness turn into what-ifs."
- Aries Writes
Wrong Person, Write Love.
PoetryA compilation of 100 Haiku poems and 50 proses written for the wrong person.