Chapter 29 - Y/n

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Oh dear Lords, that's what the blast did to me. I absorbed the powers from the crystal, which means I'm capable of doing magic on my own. I'll need guidance on my capabilities. Probably Thor would help me. Even with all the taking care of me, I'm still pissed at Loki for lying to me yet again. Honestly, I don't understand why do I still care about him, call it my humanity call it my stupidity but now I am done caring.

"It's time for me to leave, choose your battles carefully child." She stood up and stroked my head lovingly, giving me the sweetest smile. I return the smile and she disappears in a smoke flare.

Wait! I don't know her name! I called out for her to wait but she was gone by that time. Oh well.

I sigh and wonder my next step. If it were a few months back, I would've kicked back, played music and slept. But now, neither of it is possible. I simply couldn't sleep, I needed to be around someone I really trust, like trust with my life, and I couldn't think of anyone. Maybe going back to Asgard isn't that smart of a move after all.

An idea struck me, I could talk to Heimdall, I could use the Bifrost to swiftly pass to Earth, my home and then all of this could be forgotten. Yes, he must already know that I'm still alive, so I could contact him. I know I know, the noble thing to do would be to fight my way out of Yaana, defeat Shuaya, confront Odin but all of that isn't my job. I was forcefully, and wrongly brought into the center of this cesspool that I want to have absolutely nothing with.

I breathe slowly, phrasing my words over and over, in the exact manner I'd use them with Heimdall. After what happened last time, I was not going to leave any part of the agreement unclear. Once I felt prepared, I called onto him.

Shifting in my seat, I crossed a leg over the other knee, palms resting in front of me on the knees. Talking is not going to be easy. My mouth was no longer in practice, rather my heart wasn't. I didn't want to talk to anyone. The Goddess was lucky that I could form comprehensible sentences.

"Heimdall." I speak finally, my eyes closed and focused on his looming frame over the Bifrost.

"Y/n. I must say I'm quite amused at your narrow brush with death."

"Ha," I scoffed, "you should've seen my other brushes. But wait, you must've seen them, given how I had to suffer because of a certain someone." I fired at him point-blank. No way in Hell am I ever gonna forgive him for sending me to Yaana when instead he promised me home.

"I assume you had a job for me?" He looked utterly burnt from the firing, but I wasn't going to feel sorry for him.

"Yes I do, Heimdall." Breathing in, I rehearse my bargain once more before voicing it. My mouth was already dry from the talking, my ever-present headache was kicking up too.

"I need you, Heimdall, to open the Bifrost, bring me, Y/n, to Asgard, open the Bifrost again and send me back to Midgard. All in a moment's delay. No other living being shall come to know of this passing, ever. You are bound by your words."

Heimdall breathed slowly, processing my words. He could not go against Allfather, but no one has to know that I'm alive and kicking.

"The Sedhs might follow you to Midgard, Y/n."

I smirk and shoot a bolt out of my palms, showing Heimdall that I'm more than capable of taking care of myself.

"Alright then Y/n. You're going home."

Oh those words brought me peace like nothing else could. I was skeptical, even though I know he couldn't possibly betray me, I had to be careful. I sat up and walked out of the cave, under the open sky.

Staring up, as I understood that there is where I'll be able to see the Bifrost opening, I saw the unmistakable figure of Shuaya. My breath shuddered, I wanted to crawl right back into my cave where I could be safe.

What if he can see me?

I ran and crouched beside some boulders, my breathing rough and heavy. I gathered my courage and looked up at him again. Why is he still standing there? It's been almost a day since I've jumped from the cliff.

My vision super-focused on his face and he looked tensed. His brows were knit together, and he kept looking down into the valley, as if his eyes would be able to find my bones. A Sedh walked up to him and Shuaya asked, "Has the search team found any remains?"

The Sedh shook his head in a firm 'no' and Shuaya cursed, storming away. He yelled out two more troops to go looking for me. I just don't understand why I am so important to him.

That trail of thought was derailed as soon as I saw a beam of light from the sky, the Bifrost. I positioned myself at an approximate position, and had to move slightly when the beam reached me.

I'm closer to reaching home.

Such a bridge opening must've caught the eye of Shuaya and my skin crawled at the thought of him laying his hands upon me again. My thoughts started wandering wildly as I imagined my nightmares vividly.

Cold, shivering, pressing against a wall. Clothes tattered, hopes battered. He walks towards me, a knife in his hands. Tears running down my cheeks, a voiceless scream leaves me as I continue begging. Leave me, leave me please, I repeat and chant. Yet he moves forward, and sits to match my eye. Raising my hand, he slices my flesh, I scream and whimper but he continues to slice.

The terror that gripped me, even from the safety of the Bifrost, even with the safety of my powers, was irrational and paralyzing. I didn't want to move, I couldn't move. I tried forcing out the memories but he stayed.

I was still within the Bifrost, the rainbow lights shining in my eyes, the white lights of Shuaya's torture blinding my mind. I shut my eyes and held my head. Screaming as I physically yelled at Shuaya to go away.

The Bifrost warbled and I was thrown in front of Heimdall. I haven't ever had such an experience travelling from the Bifrost. It's usually very smooth. But anyway.

I get up and nod at Heimdall, brushing my clothes straight. I need to reach Midgard – Earth – as soon as possible. Not a single moment could be wasted here on Asgard, else someone might come to know of my presence. I didn't mind others knowing as much as I mind Loki knowing that I'm alive and here.

"Heimdall." I bring him back from his daze. He doesn't usually zone out as such but I guess it's okay since he is going against the will of Allfather.

"I can't get you to Midgard Y/n. I'm sorry."

"What?!" I yell, rage clear on my features.

"You broke the Bifrost. Just now. When you screamed, you let your energies flow, and that surcharge destabilized the Bifrost. It'll be some time before anyone can use it again."

"What?!" I yell again. No! No! Nooo! I can't possibly stay here! Never! I need to get back home. What's this bloody joke about Bifrost getting broken? That shouldn't be possible!

I am stuck on Asgard for God knows how long. On Asgard and with Loki, I'm stuck.

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