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The next morning....

Y/N pov

"Damm we really done it!"


What is happening here?

"Sssshhh...shut up and hurry! Before someone sees us!"

I woke up and im in this situation??!!! Who are these guys??!!! They covered my head with something so I can't see where they taking me. They also covered my mouth so I won't be able to shout. I kinda recognize their voice but with this much moving I can't seem to think properly.

"Over here guys!"

"She didn't see your face right?"

"No, we took her before she woke up. So she couldn't see our face."

"Okay good."

"Okay here's the mask, put it on."

"Wait guys she can hear us lower your voice."

Can you at least put me down?

"Wait who is that?"

"Code 4! Did you forget about our mission?"

"Who's code 4? And we had a mission together?"

"Code 2 it's useless...."

"Okay let's just get going! Code 4 wear your mask!"

They put me on a chair and tied me up. Suddenly they open the bag on my head and it seems that Im in a unrecognized place. Wait this is kidnapping right? Im in this abandond shed and it dark here. The only light that have here is this little light in front of me. There's also 6 people in standing in front of me. One of them took off the cloths that was covering my mouth so I can talk.

"Hello Y/N." one of the person speaks.

"Yeah hello, who are you?" i asked.

"Now calm down calm down, we're not trying to hurt you. We could never hurt you." another person speaks. They seems to change their voice...

"I am calm... Anyway what do you want from me?" I said straight to the point. They all went quiet for a while.

"(F/N)(L/N) do you want to play a game?"


"You know a game! Like a guessing game? Or maybe a death game!" She said assuming the person had a girl's voice.

"Then no. I don't want to play some childish game." I answered. They all went quiet again.

"Code 3 I guess we have to do plan B..."


"Look Y/N over there." one of the kidnappers pointed at something. Then suddenly, there's a light and there's.........Mai?


"Mai?.. What are you doing here?..." I was surprise why is she here? Shouldn't she be at home? Where's Kami? Now that's going overboard....

"Master!! Are you alright?"

"You think you could get away with this? Mai, where's Kami?" I said with a mad tone.

"H-he's alright..I think..." Mai said unsure. Damm it! Is this all my fault? As I was about to untie the rope on my hand, suddenly there's two hands pressing me down on my shoulder from behind.

"If you thinking of escaping, don't even try." the person said. Tch. He's strong..

"Im not trying to escape." I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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