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Y/N pov

My parents is in front of me smilling sweetly. They open their arms for me to hug. Without hassitation I quickly hug them.

"I miss you guys!!" I hugged them tightly and for the first time in my whole life tears started to fall from my eyes. I was crying. I cried and cried my heart out. I just miss them so much.

"Oh Y/N you finally can cry, im so proud of you" My mom said while tears are falling from her eyes too.

"B-b-but this is just a d-d-dream isn't it??!!" They nodded. I couldn't stop my tears and I didn't even want to stop. I finally can do my expression very well. But I never had a dream like this, in my whole life this is the first dream where I can make expression.

"Y/N, we miss you so much" my dad said. I look at them both and I smile. "Me too!"

"Y/N" another voice called me from behind. I look behind and it was...

"Kanae?" I was shocked and my tears started to fall again. I went to her and hug her tightly. She smiled and pat my head like she always do."I miss you Kanae!"

"I miss you too Y/N" I was laughing and crying. This is the first time I actually laugh. I like it.


Sanemi pov

"Y/N wake up!! Heeyyy!!!" I shake her unconsious body. What the hell happend?!

"HEHEHEHAHAHAHA" I suddenly heard a voice acoed through the forest so it's hard to know which direction it is. I look around to see who it is. The wind started to get stronger.

"Where the fuck are you?!!"

"Looks like your friend let her gaurd down" the demon laugh. The bushes started to shake, I look at the bushes and something came out. It was the bunny that slash Y/N's hand!! The bunny look at me and it smirk evily with it's sharp teeth and their eyes are all white. Then a thousands of bunny started to come out and the bunnies surround me and Y/N. I carefully put Y/N to the ground and stand up. I pull out my sword.

"Come at me fuckers!!" I scream.

Then all the bunnies started to jump at me all at once.

"Wind breathing fourth form, Rising Dust Storm!" I blew all the bunnies away and all the bunnies dissapear. Except one bunny, it run away but I quickly followed it. It lead me into the woods and into an open area in the woods, there I saw a big demon. What the? They never said about this...

"Hello pillar I've been waiting for you..." the demon smirk.

"Well yeah?!! Then here I am!!!" Then I jump to attack it. "Wind breathing second form, Claws-Purifying Wind!" I cut it but then it dissapear. "WHAT?!"

"Ah I forgot to tell you that's not my real body. That's just a reflection. It's my blood demon art." The sound acoed through the woods.

"Tch" I can't cut it if I can't see it. Then I got an idea."Hey, why don't you come out of hiding! Why? Are you afraid of me?!! Don't tell me you are!!!" Then I sense it. I looked at my left side and I was right he's up in the tree. I smirk "Found you"


Y/N pov

After I calm down. I hold my parent's hand tightly.

"I'm sorry" I squeze their hand.

"What are you sorry for, my dear?" My mom says and touch my face.

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