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No one pov

After Mai, Mitsuri and Kami calmed Y/N down, all of them sits in the living room.

"So Sa-kun..."

"It's Kanzaki Saotome, Mai call me Sa-kun..."

"Why am I here?"

"Shut up Shinazugawa! My master's talking!"

"You little-"

"Anyway, why are you here?" Y/N ask Kanzaki.

"Like I said I come to see Mai." Kanzaki said looking a bit nervous.

"Why are you nervous? I dont look intimidating, right? I dont show any expression right now." Y/N said.

"Yeah, you dont look intimidating but your dark aura tells me not to mess with you." Kanzaki smile nervously.

"Damm right!" Sanemi suddenly spoke while smirking.

"Shinazugawa shut up!"

"You shut up!"

"Now now let's all calm down and listen to what Kanzaki-san wants to say." Mitsuri said trying to calm everyone down.

"Mitsuri-san's right, anyway, Master he is older than you so you cant speak to an older person like that." Mai said. Everyone except Y/N and Kami gasped or shocked.

"M-Mai san! This is the first time you talk to Y/N like that!" Mitsuri exclaim.

"Ha! So you finally talk back to your master, eh?" Sanemi said.

"Well I figured your younger than me." Kanzaki chuckled slightly. "How old are you?" Kanzaki ask Y/N.

"Im 20 years old." Y/N replied.

"Oh! That pretty young! Im 28 years old!" Kanzaki said while smilling.

'Oohh...he's 8 years older than me...but he's kinda childlish smilling like that..' Y/N thought to herself.

"I see." Y/N said while looking away.

"Hey, why are you suddenly quiet?" Sanemi ask.

"You dont get to ask the question here Shinazugawa! My master is the one who get to ask the question!" Mai said.

"The fuck! Why are you always mean to me! You do know I can just beat the crap out of you right now, right?" Sanemi said.

"And you do know im older than you as well right? So you should respect me besides I become a demon hunter much earlier than you so im technically your senpai." Mai said back.

"Oh yeah? Well why aren't you a hashira yet, huh?!" Sanemi said and everyone suddenly quiet. Kami doesn't know what's happening but still listening to what they saying.

"Sanemi, in case you don't know Mai has the ability of a hashira but she doesn't become one because of me." Y/N said to break the silent.

"Shut up I know that it's just came out randomly..." Sanemi said.

"Anyway, Kanzaki-san, why do you wanna see Mai? And why were you with Sanemi?" Y/N ask.

"Well, first of all I met Shinazugawa-san at a restaurant. He was eating some ohagi." As soon as Kanzaki mention this Mitsuri and Mai burst out laughing. Y/N also find it funny but couldn't laugh.


"Sorry sorry continue!" Mitsuri said while holding her laughter.

"Anyway, I saw that he had the same uniform as Mai and decided to ask him about Mai. But as soon as I talk to him, he almost kill me because of interupting his 'date' with his ohagi."

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