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Y/N pov

It's already dark and im standing in front of my old house. This really bring back my memories..but why isn't the demon coming out? He must've know im here right? Well there's no time, let's just get this over with. As I was about to swing my feet to the door I suddenly remember something. Damm it this is my house! So I open the door slowly. There I saw the demon looking at me with fear. The demon is holding a knife. What? Is he trying to kill himself? He do know that wont kill him right? I took a step.

"N-No! Dont come any closer! I'll kill you!!" The demon scream while pointing the knife towards me.

Oh..he will kill me with that...but do I care? No. So I took another step and another. He shriek as I ran towards him while unsheated my sword.

"Die." As I was about to slice his neck. He uses his knife to stop my sword. I was shocked.

"I told you...don't come any closer to me." The demon said. He swing his other hand towards me and I quickly back away. I look at his hands and it looks like he had another knife on his other hand. I felt a little pain on my cheeck. I touch my cheeck and there's blood on it.Damm...


Makio pov

"God dammit!.." I nervously laugh. Y/N is right, there are two demon and this is the main demon. That mean Y/N got the other demon.

"I said...why would you tell a demon hunter about me? And worse a strong one." The demon said while looking at me in the eye.

"Why? Because we sick of you! If we don't tell her, we will lose more people! You think you can rule this village forever? Your such a loser to think that!" I laugh. I need to buy more time till she gets here.


"Wait, so you want me to buy some time?" I ask her.

"Yeah. But not only you, you and the whole village."

"What?! You think we can do that?!"

"Of course you can. Just be a jerk like you usually are."

"Hey! Is that how you ask someone for help?"

"Look. Just gather all the villagers in one place and ask all the man that can fight protect them of course that include you too. Use fire or anything sharp that can hurt the demon. Of course you can't kill the demon with that but at least buy some time till I get here. Okay?"

I sigh and nodded anyway. "Make sure you got here fast."

"Of course."


The demon look at me like he doesn't care what im saying. Shit shit shit! Are we really going to die?! God dammit! Y/N where are you?!! Hurry up!! The demon grin.

"Whatever your plan is not going to work on me. Anyway, im going to kill you all before the girl gets here. Let's give her a taste of failure, shall we?" The demon laugh. Tch. Aaarrghh fiiinnee!!

"Hey! You think you could kill us?" I chuckled.

"Huh? What makes you think I can't?"

"Well first of all I think your kinda weak!"

"Hey, Makio-san what are you doing?" I heard some people say from behind me.

"Second of all, you're a scardy cat. You know why? Because you let your other friend take care of the demon hunter instead of you. Technically your running away from her because your weak!"I continue. I know what im saying is all useless but at least im buying some time. The demon look at me before smirking.

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