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After Mai and Kanzaki succesfully stop Sanemi from fighting with Kami they all sits at the dinning table waiting for Y/N and Mitsuri to come. Sanemi and Kanzaki joined them for breakfast since they were already there. After a while Y/N and Mitsuri came back, Y/N hasitately sit beside Sanemi but Mitsuri already taken the other free seat. So she had to sit beside Sanemi

Y/N pov

This is really uncomfortable...I never been like this before and I dont like it... I dont like how my heart beat faster like this. ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄

"Well then everyone lets eat!" Mitsuri said and all of us started to eat.

"Y/N ,tell us about your journey! How was your village?" Mitsuri ask.

"Well..it was fine." I answered. Well, I dont think i need to tell them about the demon and about what the old women told me.

" Eh? Is that it? Come on tell us!" Mitsuri said unsatisfied. I look around and they all were looking at me.

"I kinda dont want to."


"Come on, master! I wanna know about you! Come to think of it, I never knew why or how you become a demon hunter." Mai said.

"Oh yeah, Y/N never told us about her." Mitsuri said.

"I dont care about it but since we already talking about it. I guess I wouldn't mind listening..." Sanemi said.

"Stop acting tough Shinazugawa, I know your curious too." Mai said which triggered Sanemi.

"Im not curious! You are!" Sanemi yelled.

"Sanemi are you really curious?" I ask him. He look surprise and look away. "I-I guess.."

Should I tell them? But im not sure yet... Im not ready...

"Im sorry, I want to tell you guys but im not ready yet..." I said looking down.

"It's okay Y/N! Tell us when your ready, okay!" Mitsuri said.

"Yes master, don't worry about it!" Mai said smilling. All of them agreed. Not everyone can tell their story easily, not in this kind of era. So I'm glad they understood. In the end , I just told them about the demon and they were all shocked and mad. After we all finished eating, Sanemi went home and for some reason Kanzaki followed Sanemi.  I thanked Mitsuri for taking care of Kami before she went home. After that, Mai, Kami and I washed the dishes and cleaned the table.

"Okay Kami, show me what you learn from Mitsuri yesterday." I said to Kami.

"Eh?Ah! Umm...well you see yesterday she didn't teach me anything.. She was too busy eating and she invited me to eat with her so I didn't get to train yesterday.." Kami shyly said.

"Kami..." I sigh. "Then do the usual stuff."

"Eh? But I always do that everyday! I want to learn new stuff!" he complain.

"I said do it." I stricly said.

"Yes sir!" Kami quickly went to the training room and started to swing the wooden sword.You don't know Kami, the consequences of using the ice breathing. Im just trying to get you ready.

"You shouldn't be too harshed on a little kid master." Mai said while putting her hand on my shoulder.



My body feels heavy...my mind is blury and it hurts...

"Master, are you alright?"

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