April fool special

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Date: 1 April 2020
Not an update!!

Y/N pov

Hmmm...1st of April... I don't know why but today everyone is acting strange... like their personality has changed. Is this a dream? I pinched myself. It hurts. No it's not a dream. It all started when I woke up this morning...

Back to the morning

I woke up. I look around my room and im not in my room...What the heck? Where am I?..I sit up and look around once more and I notice Im in Gyomei-san's room! Why the hell am I doing here?! Then many negative thoughts came through my mind. I look under my blanket and thank god I still have my clothes on... Wait, Gyomei-san is not someone like that! Why did I think negatively of him! I better get out of here and where is Gyomei-san? I better ask him first before getting into a conclusion! I walked out of the room and saw Genya, Sanemi's litle brother!

"Genya." I called out to him. He looks at me and.....smile sweetly...What the hell?...when did he become someone like this?...

"Hello! Master! Did you sleep well?" He said while having a close eye smile. Of course my face is still blank as ever, I didn't show any shocking face, eventhough I am very shock right now.

"Urg yeah. What am I doing here? And why are you acting strange?" I ask. He tilt his head in confusion. "What do you mean? This is your home, Master. And im not acting strange, this is how I usually are!" He said then smile. Okay this is getting weirder and weirder. "Okay first of all this is not my home, this is Gyomei-san's home not mine. Second of all, this is not how you usually are. You always had a grumpy face like your brother and you don't usually smiles like that and you don't always had a cheerful tone. So explain." I said and Genya still have his smile on with some cheerful aura with him. His personality is like Mitsuri for some reason. He then walked away with his smile and leave me with loads of questions. What the heck? He didn't even answer my question so he just left?! Ah, whatever. Im going to search for Gyomei-san. I went outside and quickly went to my house, my estate. I went inside and saw Mai, she was shocked when she saw me coming in.

"Y-Y/N-sama what are you doing here?" She said. "What am I doing here? This is my home. Why? I can't be here?" I said in confusion. She was about to say something but she looks behind me and shut her mouth.

"Master! Good morning!" Mai smiled sweetly to the person behind me. I look behind and was surprise!

"Sanemi? What are you doing in my house? And why are Mai calling you 'Master'? " I ask. Sanemi had a cold face while looking at me. "Your house? This is my house and Mai is my tsuguko of course she's suppose to call me 'Master'." He answered with a cold face and that shocked me even more! "No, Mai is my tsuguko. She's supposed to call me 'Master' not you." I said. Sanemi just look at me blankly and walked towards the kitchen ignoring me, just like his litle brother. What the hell?... is it just me or his personality is like Giyu?!

"Mai, have you cooked breakfast?" He asked Mai. She nod her head. "Yes, Master I did." She replied. "Y/N, come eat with us." Sanemi gesture his hand to come over. "Urg, no thanks. Im not that hungry. So maybe next time." I gently declined and walk out of my own house. I just wanted to clear my head from everything. I walked to the town and sit on a nearby bench. I look up to the sky and tried to clear my head until I saw Shinobu is up on a tree resting?

"Shinobu?..." I called out to her. She open her eyes and look down to me. She just gaze at me. "What do you want, ice girl." She said with a cold tone and closed her eyes once more. Okay girl, but I am older than you!

"Urg why are you on a tree?" I ask which she reply with an annoying groan. "Can't you see im resting?!" She raised her voice. Okay this is not the Shinobu I know.. "Oh, okay then." I said and walk again. I don't know where am I heading. I just walked aimlessly, until I saw Mitsuri on a ohagi shop. I called out to her and she look at me with an angry face.

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