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Giyu pov

I was waiting for Y/N arrival. But then suddenly a crow fly towards me.

"LETTER LETTER FOR TOMIOKA GIYU FROM (F/N)(L/N)!" the crow landed on my shoulder. The crow was holding a piece of paper so I took it. Then the crow flew back to where it's came from. What? Why Y/N send me a letter? Is it because she can't come? I started to read the letter.

'Hey Giyu. I know you will be shocked to receive this letter but I just need to tell you that I will be late to meet you. According to Shinobu, I still have a little bit of poisons in me so I still need to recover by drinking the antidote, and according to Sumi after I drank the antidote I will be sleeping for 2 hours for the antidote to work. So, I will see you 2 hours later. I am sorry...to make you wait that long but if you want, we can still meet tommorow just send me a letter if you want to meet tommorow. That is all!'

I closed the letter and sigh. You know what maybe I should visit her rather than wait for her here. So I stand up and went to the Butterfly Estate. On my way there, I stop on my track. Right, I should buy her something to eat when she wakes up, she did say she was hungry. So I went to a store and buy her (Favourite food) and also a simmered salmon with daikon for me to eat. After I buy the food, I continue my walk. After a while I have reach the estate but I have a heavy heart to go in because I was reminded by Kocho that no one likes me and I don't think if I enter her estate without her permission, she would be okay with it. Wait...does Y/N hates me too?...no it couldn't be right?....Ah I don't care. I just went inside the estate and went to find Kocho. I went to the backyard hoping there will be Kocho. Luckily she is there, she was cleaning her sword. So I went to her.


"Ah, Tomioka-san. What brings you here?" She had a close eye smile. But I can tell she don't like it.

"Well, I am here to visit Y/N. She was suppose to meet me but I receive a letter saying she will be late."

"Ah! So you are the person she supposed to meet! Well, if you here for that reason then you can visit her! She is in the room 5 sleeping." She said. I nodded.

I went inside the estate and went to find room 5. But there is a room full of noises of shouting and I heard a familiar voice. But I shrugged it off and continue to find room 5. After I found it, I twist the door knob and open the door. I look inside and saw Y/N is sleeping peacefully on the bed. I went toward the sleeping girl and took a chair and sit beside her bed. I look at her beautiful face as she sleep and my heart started to beat faster. I love her. I took her hand and hold it tightly. My face started to burn up just a touch of her skin. My heart beat rapidly everytime I saw her. I look at her rosy lips but quickly look away as I hold myself back from kissing it. But I was dissapointed of myself. Why did I ignored her when she went to talk to me at the headquaters? I am such an idiot... I let go of her hand and sigh. I just waited for her to wake up but every minute felt like an hour. The food started to get cold but I just waited.
After felt like internity, it's finnaly time for her to wake up as two hours has passed. I can see her eye lid was moving and she open her eyes. Her (e/c) eyes look at the ceiling than look at me.

"Giyu? Why are you here?"

"I don't to wait at the restaurant for 2 hours all alone. So I decided to wait for you here." I said. She blink her eyes and look away. "I see." She said. She tried to sit up and I help her. "Are you feeling any better?" I ask her worriedly. She nodded. I sigh in relief. "Anyway, you must be hungry. I brought you some food because I remembered you say you were hungry back then." I showed her the food. She look at me blankly but I know she is very thankful. "Thank you." She said and take the food from me. I smiled "Your welcome." We were eating in silent as we enjoy the food. I look at her as she eat her (f/f).  She still look so beautiful even when she's eating. I take a little bit of my salmon using my chopsticks and give it to her. "Here you should eat more." She looked at me. "Thank you." She take the salmon and eat it. I actually wanted to feed her myself but im afraid she would feel weird if I do that. After we finish eating, we finnaly felt full. She burped and I look at her with surprise.

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