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The next morning~

Y/N wore her uniform again since it's already dry and went to the hashira meeting. Y/N forgot to bring Sanemi's haori at that time but even Sanemi doesn't talk with her. After the hashira meeting, Y/N, Mitsuri and Shinobu went out together to grab a lunch. They are eating at a restaurant near the headquaters. As usuall Mitsuri ordered a lot of food while Shinobu and Y/N just order their favourite food. But other people look at Mitsuri with a judging look and Y/N notice it. She then order another 3 bowl of her (F/F), to be honest Y/N is also a big eater but she can only eat 4 bowls of her favourite food. Mitsuri notice how Y/N also eat more than one bowl just to accompony her, so Mitsuri thanked her. Shinobu also smile to how nice is Y/N to do that.

After eating, the three girls decided to stay in the restaurant and talk there.

"So what are you going to do tommorow?" Mitsuri asked Shinobu and Y/N.

"Well I had to train Kamado-kun and the others to get stronger!" Shinobu happily said.

"Eh? Is that so? Well good luck Shinobu-san!...How about you Y/N?" Mitsuri now looking at Y/N.

"I.....probably going to visit my old village.." Y/N replied.

"Eeehhh?? Really?? Why?"

"I don't know...I just wanted to visit it, I guess...it's been 8 years since I've been there..." Y/N said. Mitsuri and Shinobu nodded. "Well you must have a lot of memories in that village, and there's probably some people you wanted meet there!" Mitsuri said while smilling. "Yeah your right..." I then remember all my childhood memories. Then suddenly as Y/N look outside the restaurant, she saw Mai as she just left from the headquaters.

Y/N pov

I get up and went towards her, she was shocked when she saw me.


"Mai.. did you just get back from the headquaters?" I asked. She nodded. "Yes, I just received a mission from Oyakata-sama about a demon that lures women and eat them. He wanted me to kill it since im ranked Kinoe." Mai answered. "Do you want me to accompany you?" I asked again. She quickly shook her head. "No! I figured I could do this alone... because you make me relize that I am strong enough to kill a demon myself." Mai smile sweetly. "Im glad..." I wanted to smile too but who am I kidding? I can't smile.

"Right, did you get home?"


"Then did you see Kami?"

"Yes, I even cooked him a breakfast."

"Okay...wait does that mean he's alone in the house?"

"Ah! No! I asked someone to take care of him."



"What? Your kidding right?"

"No, he just happends to past by there so I asked him if he could take care of Kami since there's no one is at home taking care of him. Of course he rejected it at first but when he saw Kami he immediately agreed."

I was shocked. Wow! I didn't expect to hear or see Sanemi taking care of a child. Well I guess I could stay with the girls since Sanemi is there.

"I see...well good luck on your mission. Make sure to come back." I of course worried about her. I don't want to loose a precious friend. "Thank you, Master." She smiled. She bid me goodbye as I did it too.

I went inside the restaurant and sit with the girls back.

Mai pov

Okay...I need to believe in myself. I can't loose! Im a kinoe and also a tsuguko for the ice pillar!

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