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A/N: today chapter is short...I can't think of anything anymore...


Mai pov

It hurts...


Who's that?


Ouch! My head hurts..

"Wake up!"

I slowly open my eyes. I can't see clearly my head still spinning.

"Chifuri-san! Are you awake?" I look at the person.


I finally see clearly as Kanzaki smiles in relief. "What happend?"

"When you were fighting with those demons. I was actually trying to find a doctor because im afraid something will happend to you. When I come back, I saw an old women and she was treating your wound. You had a pretty terrible wound but that old women said you will be fine! She said she gave you a special medicine that will cure your wound faster! And she said she is from a witch craft and she just happend to see you injured! But Im glad your awake now.." he gives me a sweet smile. A witch craft?..

"How long has I been sleeping?"

"Hmm just for 5 hours."

"5 hours?...that's a little too soon for me to wake up? Consider I've been injured badly.." I look at my wounds.

"Hey, just be glad that you woke up! Do you know how worried am I?" Kanzaki pout. Shit. He's adorable.

"Do you like me, Kanzaki-san? Why are you worried about me eventhough we just met?" I said while smirking to tease him a little bit.

"Why, I can't?" He tilt his head to the side. I blush at his sudden confession. For some reason, I suddenly got my energy back.

"W-w-well I umm- I"

Kanzaki suddenly laugh. "Im just kidding!" He ruffled my hair. "I mean..of course Im worried about you..your my saviour.." he smile sweetly.

"I se-"

"Well I don't mind, if I become your boyfriend! It's not like I don't like you!" he smile more brightly. I was confuse. "What do you mean? Do you really like me?!" I asked. He look to the side while rubbing the back of his neck. There's a tint of pink on his cheek. "Well...maybe?.."

"What do you mean 'maybe'?"

"Well, I kinda like you but im not so sure!" He explain. My heart started to race. "How about you? Do you like me?" He ask me.

"W-Why are you asking me?"

"Well...you ask me this question. So why can't I?" He said. He has a point.

"I was just teasing you but if you take it seriously...umm...I-I don't know.. I never like anyone before.."

"I see..." he stare at me. I look away trying to avoid his gaze. "Well! Let's take it slow, okay! There's no need to rush!" He smile. I nodded and agreed.

"Are you still in a lot of pain?" He ask with a worried face. "Well I do feel some pain but it's alright..." I answered. "Im glad.." he smile.

"Anyway, what time is it?" I ask.

"Its already midnight. Why? Do you need to go? Can't you rest here for a while? Your still hurt!" He said worriedly.

"No wait, I was just asking!"

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