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Y/N pov

We reach to the north village. There are rumors that people who roams at night dissapear and found one of it's body part in front of the person that dissapear's  house. And some says that there are an abandon house way up the mountain is the demon's lair. So they send two hashira's for this mission, they did send a group of demon slayer to kill it but almost all of them died and the survivors said that there are 4 demon in this village and 2 more in the abandond house. We look around the village and it was peace and quiet, well I guess they all went to sleep. It is 9.30 p.m. and I guess they are afraid of the demons. We look around for some time.

"Aaahhh This village is too quiet" suddenly a voice said coming from behind us. We stop walking. Is it a people or a demon?

"Yeah, it's hard for us to find some humans to eat" another voice said. So it's a demon.

"But lucky for us! We got 2 Pillars here!" Another different voice said.

No one pov

Sanemi smirked as he was getting excited. There are three demons behind them and they are sitting on top of a house.

"Lucky? You? I think you meant us the lucky one!!!" Sanemi shouted and draw his blade.

Y/N suddenly dissapear.

"What the girl dissapear?!!" One of the demon says

"Dissapear? No girl can dissapear suddenly unless they got eaten by a filthy demon." Y/N suddenly appear behind one of the demons and Y/N quickly slashed the demon's neck and the demon died. The other two demons tried to run away but Y/N could catch up to one of the demons.

"Ice breathing first form" Y/N aimed the demon's neck and stab it. "Stab cold"

The demon's neck suddenly freeze as an ice suddenly spread from his neck to his whole body and his neck broke so he died. But the other demon got away, but Sanemi suddenly appear in front of the demon and slash his neck.

"1 more"

"There's one more demon"

Suddenly the 4th demon appear behind Y/N.

"Hello there looking for me?" The demon quickly used it's long sharp nails and peirce through Y/N's heart.

"Ice breathing third form, mirrored clone" Y/N that been stab dissapeared like a reflection and the real Y/N appeared again beside the demon. The demon was shock.

"A reflection??!!" The demon scream and she cut his neck off.

Y/N pov

Okay that's the 4th demon now there's two more demon on the mountain. I stared at Sanemi and he stared at me back.


"Why didn't you killed the demon just now? I know you knew the demon was behind my reflection clones." I was mad and got down from the rooftop of the house and walk towards Sanemi with a straight face.

"Well cause I figured you can kill it yourself" but then he smirk. "Besides I know you knew that the 4th demon will appear behind your back that's why you use your third form, your clones to kill the other two demons!"

Well he had a point there. I knew the fourth demon was hiding behind the other three demons. But actually when I was about to kill the 2nd demon the 4th demon was actually behind Sanemi but Sanemi quickly chase after the 3rd one so the 4th one didn't get to kill him. But I don't want to waste any time talking about this.

"Fine fine, let's just get this over with." I walked towards the mountain wasting no time. I just want to go home and sleep.

"Hey since you already killed 3 demons and I only killed 1 demon. How about I killed the two demon in the abandond house." He said while smirking. I look at him.

"What? Why?"

"To make it fair and square."

"Oh okay, then I will wait for you outside"

"Fine by me.." his smirk become wider. We reach the abandon house and Sanemi went inside while i'll wait for him outside. After a lot of scream from the demons and probably Sanemi's from enjoying himself killing them. He finnaly out from the house. Well this mission finished quicker than I expected...

"Okay let's go." He said and walked back down and I followed beside him.

"So how was it?" I ask him

"Well it was easy"

"I wonder why would they need to send hashira when killing those demons was very easy." I  look up the night sky.

"Hah! Cause the others demon slayer are bunch of weaklings! They always relay on hashiras with tough missions!" He scream. I look at him with no emotion.

"Well that's what hashira do. They finish all the tough missi-" he suddenly grab me by the coller.

"No! hashira is for killing the twelve demon moon and Muzan!!"he scream at my face.

"Yeah that's true but our job is to kill all demons too." I stared at him

"If you know that, then why are you complaining!" He let go of my coller.

"I'm just curious as to why they would need to send hashira when this mission is easy."

"But your the one wh-" I quickly stop him from talking more as I sense something is coming from the bushes. I let go of my hand from his mouth and he didn't say anything so I guess he sense something too. I hold my sword to get ready.

"Who's there!!" He scream. The bush started to move and something's coming out from the bush. And it was a small adorable bunny.

"Ah, a bunny" I quickly went there to pet it but as I reach my hand to pet it the bunny use its claw to scratch me.

"Ouch, that's hurt" I retreat my hand as I feel the pain.

"H-Hey! Are you alright?!" Sanemi went to me to see if im alright. And the bunny ran away. "Ah it ran" I look at the bushes where the bunny ran into.

"Hey, your hurt!!" He grab my hand to see it closer.

"Yeah no kidding" but then I suddenly getting dizzy. My head starting to get hurt.

"My head... feels dizzy" I rub my temple.

"Y-Y/N?! Are you alright?!" Then my body is getting weaker and almost fell to the ground but Sanemi support me.

"Y/N! Wake up!!" is the last thing I heard before I black out.

All I see is white. Where am I? What happend? Aren't I suppose to be on a mission with Sanemi?

"Y/N" I look at who was calling me.And my eyes widen.

"Mom? Dad?"


Heeyyy!! I have nothing to say.....just enjoy....and don't forget to vote me  😊😊

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