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Mai pov

As soon as me and Kanzaki went into the alley. The smell of blood is strong. Kanzaki looks like he wanted to puke so I ask him to not follow me. I quickly ran to where the smell of blood is coming from. When I turn a corner, I see a pool of blood and some body parts. I clench my fist. I will kill this demon! I look at the body parts and I can tell this is a girl's hand and leg. So this is the demon's hideout but where is the demon? The sun is starting to set, so I quickly went to Kanzaki-san.

"Kanzaki-san!" I shout while running towards him. "What's wrong Chifuri-san? Did you find it?" He asked.

"I need you to get out from here, quickly!"

"Huh? Why?"

"The sun is setting and this is where the demon will appear. The demon only eat women but it doesn't mean it can't kill you."

"Then you should go to!"

"No,Im a demon slayer. Im here to slay the demon not to run away from the demon. Go home and don't go outside. Hurry up, before night time!" I order him.

But before he could run, this part of village is already dark.

"Well well well~ look a demon slayer is here to slay us and they send a girl! That's great! No need to hunt for girls tonight!" Suddenly a voice is coming from behind us. I look behind with my serious face. "Well this demon slayer will end your life tonight, you lil shit." I said as I look at the two demon. Kanzaki-san is right. There are two demons here.

"But there is a regular man there." The demon on the left said while pointing at Kanzaki.

"Oh don't worry, we just have to kill him." The demon on the right said and smirk.

The two of them looks young and good looking. The demon on the left looks like a regular human only the eyes and the sharp teeth is different, he must be the one who lures the victim with its human looks. The one on the right looks like a demon, he has two horns, demon eyes and sharp teeth, he must be the one that attacks its prey. 

"Chifuri-san, don't look at the demon's eyes on the left. He uses his eyes to lures the girls into their trap." Kanzaki suddenly spoke.

"How do you know that?"

"I saw it once."

What he didn't tell me?

"Let's talk later, run away while I'll distract those demons." I said. He nodded and started to run.

"Your not getting anywhere!" The demon with horn said and ran fast trying to catch Kanzaki.

"Your the one that's not going anywhere."  I quickly cut the demon's arms. But it quickly regenerate and one of his hand aim towards me. I quickly went low to dodge his hand and cut off his legs.


"Don't stop! Just run!"

As I was about to cut the demon's neck, one of his friend suddenly appear beside me and and tried to bite my shoulder.

"Nature breathing 1st form: Meadow's folly." I dodge him and quickly cut both his arms and I aimed for his neck but he dodge it when I wanted to cut his neck. So I quickly back away. His arms also regenerate quickly and it looks like his other friend also had regenerate his legs.

"Your strong. Not like the other demon hunters that we killed before." The human looking demon said. "Are you perhaps a hashira?" He asked.

"No, Im not a hashira yet. But im in rank kinoe." I answered. "A kinoe?.. if im not wrong, it's the second highest rank right including the hashira?" He continue to asked. "Yes, that's correct." Then I relize something.

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