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Y/N pov

The town is so beautiful at night. The town is so bright. Then a little boy approach me. "Excuse me miss have you seen my mother?..."the boy has red and puffy eyes. He must be crying for hours. "No I haven't seen your mother. When did you lost her?" I crouch to get to his level of height. "Since this morning.. I woke up this morning and she was already gone!" He started to cried. "Don't worry I'll help you find your mother." I was actually panicking because everyone was staring at us. The boy stop crying and look at me with sparks in his eyes. "Really?!" He said. I nodded. "Thank you onee-chan!" "Your welcome" I said and stand up. "Onee-chan can I hold your hand?" The boy ask. I nodded and he quickly grab my hand and smiled. This boy is too adorable. We started walking.

"My name is (F/N)(L/N). What is your name?" I ask. "My name is Kami." The boy answered. "Ohh, how old are you?" I ask again "Im seven years old." He answered. "Onee-chan can I ask you something?" He said. I nodded. "Why are your face expressionless? Because you never smile and you always had a straight face when you talk to me." Kami said. Wow even a little boy knows..."I don't know, I was born this way." I answered. "Ooohhh...but I can tell onee chan is a nice person!" Kami said and smile. "Really? Thank you." I said. I then notice Kami is wearing a thin layer clothes and is ripped a little.

"Kami-san are you not cold?" I asked. He shook his head and close eye smiled me. "This is the only clothes I have left. My family is poor so we can't afford to buy fancy clothes. That's why people don't want to help me finding my mother." He looks sad. I can feel my blood is boiling with anger. These people are so rude! Just because he is poor doesn't mean they should not help him! "But when I saw onee chan I knew onee chan will help me!" He then smile again. This boy is too precious! Remimds me of Tanjiro though... "Thank you Kami-san. We will definately find your mother." I reassured him and he nodded with so much hope. We went around the town for a while and we still couldn't find his mother. Then Kami stomach was grumbling.

"Kami-san, why didn't you say you were hungry? When did you last eaten?" I ask him.

"Y-Yesterday..." he said with a red face. I was shocked so I quickly took him to a nearby restaurant. We ordered some food and when the food came, Kami was hasitating for a while but I said it was fine. So he ate the food like very quickly.

"Slow down Kami or you'll chocked." I said and give him the water. "Im sorry I just never eat a delicious food like this." He said and continue to eat the food. "Don't worry, we can order more food if you want?" I said and he quickly shook his head. "No, this is enough! I can't make you spend a lot of money for me." He said. "Are you sure? It's really is fine, I don't mind. I had a friend who is also a big eater like you, she could finish a thousands plate at once but it's cute." I said. Remembering how Mitsuri ate 50 plates at a restaurant and her mouth is dirty because of the food, it is really an adorable sight. I can see why Obanai likes her.

"Really?! That is one interesting friend you had there onee chan!" He said with sparkel in his eyes. "Yeah, I have bunch of interesting friends." "Really? I'm so jeleous!" He said. I hummed. "Anyway are you finished eating? We can't waste our time and we should really get going now it's pretty late." I said and the boy nodded. We leave the restaurant after I paid the food. It really is late and I was getting worried. Where the hell is his mother?! We search the entire town, we even went to his house but still didn't found her. I was getting nervous. Kami looks tired so I brought him to my hotel room cause I don't want him to be alone in his house and im afraid demons will come and eat him. As we reach my hotel room, Kami tugged my haori. "Onee chan why do I feel weird coming from that room." He pointed at the room 111. I was shocked of how sharp is his senses. But I don't want to freak him out. "I don't know. Let's just comes in." I said and open the door. We went in and I told him to go straight to bed since he was looking so tired. Of course I didn't sleep, I need to get rid of it. I waited for the clock to strike 12 and when it does I went outside the room and stand in front of the room 111. I knock on the door, I wanted to kick it but I don't want Kami to wake up so I just knock.

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