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It's been so long since I came here... this place is still the same as ever. Huh? Is it just me or this place is getting quieter...


I look to the person.


"Aha! It is Y/N! It's the ice girl of the village! What's with the uniform? You look ridiculous!" He laugh.

Hhuuhhh....its him...the guy that always bulied me since I was small...Takeru Makio. I always hated him. He's the starter of my nickname 'Ice girl'.

"What do you want, Makio?"

"Me? Haha....I want you to get out of here." He said with a serious tone.

"What? But I just got here?"

"Yes, that's why I need you to get out." He said with more serious. I can see his sweating and I can see he's nervous. "What's wrong? It's not like you to feel nervous.."

"Huh? What do you mean?! I wasn't nervous, you emotionless fucking face! Gosh...this is why I hate you.." he growl. I was getting angrier. I couldn't hold it so I grab him by the collar. He was shocked by my action as I am too shocked by my action. I never acted like this before. But I don't care about it now. "You? Hate me? No...it's the other way around. You always bulied me since I was small and I never fight back because Im still a little girl and Im weak." I glare at him. I don't look as intimidating as I sound because of my face that shows no anger.

"So? Now that you're a demon slayer. Your saying you're stronger than me?" He said. But now that I look at his eyes closer, I could feel something from his eyes...not nervousness and not angriness...but worried? He's worried?


"Y/N chan?" I look at the other person.

"Auntie?.." I let go of Makio and ran towards my auntie and hug her. "You've grown!" My aunt said while smilling. I nodded. "Of course, Im 20 years old now."

"Eh? Your 20 years old now? Oh my, I could still remember how small your are~ Time sure fly fast!" She chuckled. Something feels odd..."Auntie, where's Uncle?" Her face suddenly change into a shock and sad face when I ask the question. Why is she shocked?

"It's better not to talk about it...Anyway, I overheard Makio-san said that you should leave and I think you should really leave." She said. Now Im the one who is shocked. Of course I didn't show it. What the hell? I felt a hand on my shoulder. I look beside me and it was Makio, he had a sad expression. What's going on?...

"I think it's best if we tell you..." Makio said still had a sad but scared expression.

"Tell me what?"

"Makio-kun! What are you doing?" One of the villagers says. A few started to gather around us. Makio looks at the others with a 'we need to tell her' kind of face. I look at all their faces and they had a scared, worried, and mad expression.

"Wait, Makio-san! We can't tell her here." My aunt says. Makio nodded and they brought me to my aunt house. My aunt serve us some tea to drink. When they finally sit down and I sit in front of them. They started to tell me.

"5 years ago, a demon came to our village." As soon as Makio mention that, my blood started to boil in anger. "5 years ago?..if you know it then why didn't you report it to the demon slayer headquaters? Or me?" I said with a hint of anger. "We can't! The demon won't let us go..." Makio said while looking on the ground. "Every month we..." Makio is quiet for a while. "...need to make one sacrifice. If we don't the demon will attack our village and kill all of us. I don't know what the demon do every night but he didn't attack us if it wasn't the time for us to make sacrifice. But...if there are traveller or anyone that is not from this village come here, the demon will eat the traveller. That's why we want you to get out of here before the demon knows your here!-"

||Melting the cold ice|| Sanemi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now