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The next morning~

Y/N pov

I woke up early. I remember what happend last night and my heart hurts, but what Sanemi said to me last night really helps me. But damm Sanemi is like a different guy last night...He actually had a soft side, surprisingly. I tried to forget what happend yesterday and just focus on today. Right! I need to fetch Kami. I get up from my futon and folded it neatly. I went out of my room to brush my teeth and take a bath. After I took a bath and get out from the bathroomn, I saw Mai. Mai saw me and smiled sweetly.

"Welcome back Master! How was your mission?" Mai said still smiling sweetly.

"It was easy actually." I don't want to tell her about the village cause I don't want her to worry about me. "Right, I met your uncle during my mission. Looks like he is the one who taught you the nature breathing, right?" I continued. Her eyes widen. "Y-You met him?!" Her face turn red. "And he told you a lot too..." she looked at the floor. "Did he told you about my family?" She look at me. "Yes he did. But you don't need to get embaressed about it. Everyone had their own life and I am no one to judge." I said. She nodded. "Thank you for saying that..." she smiled. I nodded in respond.

"Mai..im going to visit him today. Do you want to come with me?" I said. She look at me completly surprised. "W-what? Why do you want to visit him?" She asked. "Well, I found a new student to teach, his name is Kami. He's still 7 years old and his mother died because of a demon. There's no one to take care of him so I decided to take him in. But that was before I finished my mission, so I asked your uncle to take care of him for a while and today im gonna fetch him." I replied. She blink in disbelived. She sigh and nodded. "Okay Master, I will follow you today. I miss my uncle anyway!" She smiled. "Okay then let's go. Get ready because we're leaving now." I said and walk into my room. I look for my uniform but I can't find my uniform. I went to Mai's room still wrapped in my towel to ask Mai about my uniform. I knock on her door.


She open the door.

"Master, what is it?"

"Did you washed my uniform?..."

"Ah! Yes, I did! I just washed it yesterday. I don't think it's dry yet.....wait.... don't tell me you don't have a dry uniform..."

I nodded. She gasped.

"Im sorry Master! I didn't know..." she clasped her hand. "Ah! I know! You can borrow my uniform!" She said and went to her drawer to take out another uniform. "But it's skirt..."


"...and it's short..."

"Yup just like Mitsuri-sama! Except mine doesn't expose the chest area.." She smile innocently.

"You know I don't wear short skirt, I wear the pants one..."

"Well, it can't be help my uniform is a short skirt. Just wear it for today, Master! Please!! I want to see you in the uniform!" She begged. Well I had no choice then...

I walk back into my room and wear the clothes and I don't like it...

"It's a bit too tight around the chest and the skirt is really short for me...well at least Im wearing my haori to cover up." I mumbled to myself.

I wear my haori. But then I relized my haori is ripped a little and worst...it's a big one... It must be from yesterday...I guess im not wearing my haori today, but Im gonna sew it after I take Kami from the town and wear it as soon as possible. Cause I don't wanna walked around the headquaters looking like this.. eventhough Mitsuri also like this but I already used to wearing the pants one. I sigh dissapointly. I neatly tied my hair into a ponytail. I waited for Mai in the living room while drinking some tea.

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