Chapter Seven - Twitter Tweets

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I know I said I wasn't going to do it but here I am sat on the bleachers with Elijah, lacing our boots up. I'm wearing a pair of Nike pros and a sports bra - it is 93 degrees today and I don't fancy having a stroke. I've already received many dirty looks from the cheerleaders who are practicing on the other side of the field whilst being with Elijah. He is so oblivious. Every girl we walk past practically drools over him but he pretends like he's in invisible.

"You realise everyone thinks your hot right?" I mention as he pulls me up.

"I don't care. The girls here annoy me" he shrugs and tightens my lace.

"Even me?" I bat my eyelids at him and pout by lips.

"Who said you were a girl? You're a demon" he chuckles as I smack his arm. He wraps one arm around my shoulders as we walk into the pitch and join the group of boys and girls. Kayden and the girls captain stand at the front, getting everyone's attention.

"Welcome to the soccer trials, if you're not prepared to fight for your spot, I suggest you leave now" the girl shouts as she points to the exit. I like this bitch "we will all be trialing together this year as we all know there is no coach anymore, meaning whatever Kade and I say goes"

"Start with a lap of the soccer field" Kayden yells. ASSHOLE. I stretch my arms across my chest as I jog alongside Mase and Elijah. My one talent is my speed, I can keep up with the boys quite easily. The rest of the girls keep up an even pace as a pack at the back of the group where I continue running with the boys.

Once we finish the lap, I continue stretching my muscles with Mason. Even though I hate Kayden, I won't stop Elijah and Mason from being his friend because that's selfish. They were all friends way before I came along and I'd hate to ruin their friendship. Elijah and Mason go talk to Kayden whilst I re-tie my boots that have come undone three times already.

"Fucking boots" I yank on the lace aggressively.

"I normally triple tie them" a female voice says from next to me, I look up and see the captain stood there "you're new right?" I nod and stand up "I'm sage" she smiles warmly at me.

"Faith" I say, returning the smile. She has such a beautiful aura about her, she is also absolutely stunning. She has long thick black hair and beautiful green eyes, brighter than mine. She is also only a bit taller than me, making me feel less intimidated.

"Your speed and stamina is impressive" she compliments me "I heard you were good"

"Really?" I question. Who the fuck would tell her I'm good. 

"Yeah, we always watch students to see if they have potential, the boys captain told me that he saw you playing and you were like a pro" she chuckles.

"Kayden?" I question in disbelief. Why would Kayden tell her that? He's clearly up to something again. Pathetic.

"You know him?" She asks.

"Well.. uhm. He's been kind of an ass to me so..." I trial off.

"That sounds like Kade" she chuckles. The rest of the girls team make their way back from the lap and we begin the trials.

They time our shuttle runs and skills with the ball. If I didn't know this was high school, I would assume it was professional. It's pretty intense. Throughout the time, Kayden and Sage make notes and discuss everyone. It makes me anxious not knowing what Kayden is saying about me, if I knew he would be helping decide the team, I wouldn't of bothered trying out.

We play a mixed match, I'm on the same team as Elijah and we seem to play well together. He's a left wing and I'm centre, I scored two goals with his assist. Mason was the keeper on the other team, not very happy. After the match we all go over to Kayden and Sage. I collapse onto the ground, sweating like a pig as the boys take off their shirts. My chest heaves up and down whilst I take a pump of my inhaler. Look at me being responsible. Mason snatches my water bottle and tips it onto his head, trying to cool down but ends up looking like a drowned rat.

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