Sixteen - Please

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I place the black roses onto the coffin. I say a few words about how I haven't known him for long but appreciate him so much. I feel heartbroken. Numb. Lost. Dead. I wish I could turn back time and replace the coffin with my body instead of his. It's only been a few weeks without him and I don't know if I can do it. Is life worth living without him? I think I liked him much more than I expected. I was trying to hide my feelings for him but in the end, he never knew how I truly felt.

They began to lower the coffin into the gr-

"Faith" a harsh voice whispers, waking me from my sleep. It was 3 am and I currently had my head against Elijah's shoulder and had propped my legs on Masons' lap.

"What?" I groan, sitting up. I don't know what happened with Kayden. Nobody will tell me but all I know is that he is in a pretty bad way. When we arrived, the doctor told us that he was rushed straight to surgery and could be there for a while. He also told us to go home but clearly none of us listened. Why would we go home?

"You need to eat" Korey held out a sandwich and a coffee. Korey and Mason went to grab us food earlier but I couldn't eat anything. I physically can't think or do anything other than wait for Kayden. I shook my head to which he sighed in defeat. Moments later, the doctor walked into the waiting room, all of us immediately standing.

"He is out of surgery but we are not out of the woods yet. We had to put him into an induced coma to help the wounds heal" he tells us "he possibly won't wake for a couple of days but when he does, I need to warn you that he might be different to who he was before. He seems to of gone through a very traumatic time" he says. I haven't seen him so I wouldn't know. Why is everyone being so secretive?

"When can we see him?" Mason asks.

"You can go in now, don't all go in at once and make sure you have been cleaned down" he says before exiting the room.

I slump back down on to the chair, my head in my hands. I let the brothers and the boys go in before me. I'm nervous. Once they walk back out, Mason, Korey and Sage go home whilst Elijah, Jordan and I stay.

"You can go in Faith" Elijah says to me with a tight smile. I nod my head and push down the handle, Kayden lies on the bed with tubes and wires coming off from every inch of skin. I feel my heart drop. What happened? I walk further into the room, scanning his bruised and broken body, I take a seat in the chair next to his bed, bringing my knees to my chest. I can't bring myself to say anything, so I just cry. Why does God do this to the good people? Kayden never gets a break.

For the first time since my parents died, I pray. I pray for Kayden. I need him.


I wake up the next morning with a blanket draped over my body and a fresh cup of coffee filling my senses. I take a sip of it, staring at Kayden's face. He is so handsome. Even with the broken nose, split eyebrow and several bruises, he is beautiful. I look above his bed where a whiteboard hangs, 'Kayden Anderson' is written is large letters and underneath it says 'assault'. Assault? Like a fight?

Elijah soon walks in, sitting on the other chair. You're probably wandering what about school? They have allowed us time off due to looking after Kayden.

"What happened?" I ask Elijah to which he shakes his head "Assault?" I say, watching as his eyes flick to the board and back to me.

"He rang me and asked me to meet him somewhere, so I went to this place and found him lying unconscious in the middle of the car park" he tells me, being extremely vague. Hm.

"This place?" I question to which he groans.

"An underground fighting arena" he mumbles, barely loud enough for me to hear. A what?

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