Twenty One - Concrete Jungle

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Um, so you know when I told you that Kayden seemed like he was pretty rich. Well, I didn't know he was this freaking rich. Once we boarded the 'plane' I soon found out it was Kayden's private plane with bedrooms and bars. What the fuck.

"I feel very out of place" I tell Kayden, sitting opposite him on the very large comfy seats.

"You're fine" he tells me, scrolling through his phone casually.

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me that you are this stupid rich?" I ask reaching my foot out to kick his leg.

"Why would I?" He mumbles not taking any notice of me. Asshole.

"Fine" I mutter, getting up from the seat and going to the bar further down the plane.

The rest of the flight consists of me drinking, sleeping and not talking to Kayden. The one conversation we did have at the start of the trip, Kayden was barely with it. I can tell he is on edge, I'm not surprised, I would be anxious if I went to visit my dying mom after a while as well. Oh wait, she's dead.
Ok dark humour really isn't appropriate right now Faith.

We finally landed in New York and wow, the views. I excitedly unbuckled my belt that the flight attendant made me wear before landing. I'm not going to lie, I'm slightly tipsy but the sight of Kayden's expression, more like the lack of immediately sobered me up. As I slid into the passenger side of his sports car, I spotted his almost ghostly white face, his tanned complexion gone.

He turned to face me and the worry swirling in his eyes made my heart break for him.

"Can you-" he quietly began.

"I'll drive" I say with a tight smile, he returns the look with a grateful smile as we both switch seats. As you can imagine, little ole Faith has never been in let alone drove a sports car. How hard can it be?

I pulled out of the airport and onto the busy streets of New York, if I wasn't driving right now, I would 100% be taking in the views and the people. I heard that New York is the place where you will most likely walk past a celebrity. If I don't bump into Zac Efron on this trip, I want a refund.

Kayden attaches his GPS to the system which guides me down the streets and finally to an extremely tall building, well every building is tall in New York but you get the gist. I park where he tells me to and hop out of the car.

"We made it in one peace" I grin at him, chucking him the keys, he responds with a slight smile. Bless.

He grabs our cases before we enter the luxurious building, he sends a quick nod to the receptionist as we begin to ascend in the elevator.

Elevator music can suck dick. Imagine trying to bang in here whilst this shit plays in the background. Buzzkill.

We finally arrive at what seems to be the top floor and the doors slide open to reveal-

"Wow" I gasp as I take the view in before me. An open plan penthouse sits with black fluffy couches and floor to ceiling windows showcasing the beautiful landscape of New York. The theme is clearly black which I adore, something about New York and darkness just go so well together "is now a good time to tell you that I'm only your friend for your money?" I smirk at him.

"Friend?" He questions with a slight smirk, the first word he has uttered in a while. I stroll over to the counter he is leaning against and wrap my arms around his waist.

"Of course, what else would we be?" I smile with a nod whilst looking up at him. He bends down and gives me a long lasting peck on my lips. You know the ones where you feel as if the person almost just transferred their emotions onto you and opened up the first chapter. Yeah. He pulls back from the kiss when his phone begins to obnoxiously ring. Bitch.

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