Chapter Twelve - Leave Me Alone

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After he told me that he trusted me, my body felt warm and fuzzy. It's nice to know that he trusts me. Eek. Does this mean we rub each other's feet now? I mean... I wouldn't be opposed to the idea.

The bed shifted from beside me which instantly woke me up, I look up to see a yawning Kayden looking out of the window. He makes eye contact with me.

"Shit, sorry I didn't mean to wake you" he mutters in a sleepy husky voice. My lord.

"Is it payback?" My voice comes out croaky to which his eyes widen.

"Maybe you need more fluids" he suggests and begins to fiddle with the IV bags behind the bed. The nurse told me that they are going to flush out the toxic chemicals released into my body from the drug.

"I'm fine" I tell him as I grab his hand before he touches anything else. He looks at me with a frown before walking out the room. Okay then.. bipolar bitch. I get up from the bed and freshen myself up in the bathroom, I look a mess but you know when you feel that shit that you actually don't give two fucks. Yeah, that's me right now. I head back into the room and see Kayden stood with his back to me "have you gotten over your tantrum yet?" I scoff. He turns around when I see the bags of snacks he has in his arms. My jaw drops. I haven't eaten properly for days.

"I mean I can go put them back if you want" he shrugs before walking to the door. I latch onto his bicep and spin him back round, he loses his balance and stumbles into me, sending me thankfully onto the soft mattress on the bed, but his whole body weight following behind. I squeeze my eyes closed, waiting for the impact but notice it's not coming. I open one eye and see his face inches from mine, his forearms holding his body from crushing me. His eyes look beautiful as they stare into mine. We have a moment, I swear-

-his lips crash onto mine, almost knocking the wind out of me. He begins to pull back and glances up at me who is by the way frozen in shock "I'm sorry, I sh-" he begins before I shut him up. I grab onto the back of his neck and push it down to reach his lips, I passionately kiss his flawless plumped lips. He is a literal god. Hand-carved by him personally. He starts to kiss me back with just as much passion, it feels as if the sexual tension that we had pent up between us for the last couple months had just exploded and lead to this beautiful kiss. He lightly bites onto my lower lip, causing my mouth to shoot open in a low moan, he takes the opportunity to stick his tongue in. And wow. Wow. To say he is a bad kisser would be a lie, if there were competitions, I would bet money that he would win. We continue the kiss for a while before we both need air and he pulls back, panting just as much as me.

"Fuck Faith" he grumbles as he drags his hands down his face.

"That was hot" I blurt out. What? It's true.

"You have no fucking idea" he groans and walks away from me. Oh I can see the 'idea' pressing tightly against his sweatpants. Hm. You can't lie, of course it makes you feel good when you make a man hard.

He soon tells me he has to go to the bathroom and leaves my room. I sit back against the wall and open my abandoned phone. I unlock it to see several messages from Sage and a video. I instantly click onto the video and see my body being dragged down a hallway by Ryan, Sofia walks into the frame and says 'leave it here, if she's passed out, it won't be as fun. We can have some fun though' she walks up to Ryan and touches his chest before they both exit the frame, leaving my unconscious self on the floor. The fuck?

Kayden walks back in and he turn my phone around so he can watch the video.

"What the fuck?" He mutters.

"They'd be a good couple" he frowns at me "they are both absolute psychos" he nods in agreement and grabs his bag.

"I've got to go" he says pointing behind him to the exit, before I could answer him, he had gone. Weird. I play a game on my phone for a couple of hours until the doctor comes in and finally discharges me. Thank god. I grab all of my things and walk out of the hospital. Shit. I only just realise that I haven't got a ride, everyone will be busy. I text Kayden.

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