Chapter Eleven - I've got you

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After staring at the sky for an hour, a nurse found me and told me off for leaving the room. Oopsies. But how can they expect me to stay locked in one room for so long? Kayden forced me to play another five rounds of uno with him until I admitted defeat.

"Do not tell anyone about this" I say dead serious, pointing to the cards.

"Worried it will ruin your rep?" He smirks. Yep. But he doesn't need to know that.

It is now 6 am and still no news. Another nurse came to take some samples but she couldn't tell me anything. I will walk out of here if I don't get any answers soon. I can tell Kayden is getting as restless as me, he didn't sign up for a night at the hospital.

"Kayd-" I begin.

"-no" he cuts me off "if you say it one more time, I swear to god" he rubs his temples. Ok... I sit back in the bed, letting out a deep groan.

A couple hours go by when finally, FINALLY a doctor comes waltzing in "oh hey, thanks for showing up" I scoff as Kayden glares at me. I don't care.

"Miss Campbell, we have ran as many tests as possible at the moment. We will give you a call in the next few days which might result in you coming back in, but other than that you are free to go" he informs me. Music to my fucking ears. I want to jump up and down in happiness until I see Kayden's face, he looks upset?

We soon gather our things and I skip down the hallways, so happy to be going back to Kingston. Who would've though I'd ever be saying that? Not me. Kayden opens the car door for me as I throw our bags and coats into the backseat, he walks round the front of the car and hops in behind the wheel. He sits there staring at the wheel, not moving. The hell?

"Okay, tell me what's going on?" I question, he glances at me and his face turns up into a fake smile. I'm not stupid dude.

"Nothing. I'm happy we're finally out" he fake chuckles. What the fuck is he doing? I let it slide as we ride back to school in silence. This boy. I can't wait to see Elijah and Mason, there was also soccer practice that we missed out on so Sage told me that she could do a quick session with me later which I'm excited for.

We park the car and walk up to the school gates, Kayden carrying my bag and coat. He hasn't said a word to me since leaving the hospital, something is up. And it's freaking me out. Like really.

"You're scaring me" I tell him just before we enter the apartment.

"What do y-"

"FAITH" Mason yells, swinging open the door. He engulfs me in a friendly hug and swings me around. It's barely been 24 hours. Jeez "Elijah, Faith is back" Elijah comes round the corner with a smirk on his lips.

"Really? I couldn't tell with all the yelling" he scoffs sarcastically and pulls me into a tight hug. His hugs are different. Comforting. As if we are silently telling each other things.

After I watched a movie with Mase and Elijah, Kayden locked himself in his bedroom, it was time to practice with Sage. She came up to the apartment and I changed into athletic shorts and an oversized soccer shirt, we laced our boots and began to jog to the pitch. We were doing some new passing drills that she taught yesterday when we started talking.

"So, how was your hospital appointment" she asks me.

"Literally pointless, they practically drained me of my fluids and then told me they had no answers" I groan as I kick the ball a bit too aggressively.

"I'm sure having Kayden there drove you insane" she chuckles.

"To be honest, I think I'm the one that drove him insane" I say "he's been off with me ever since leaving the hospital, it's like he knows something I don't"

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