Chapter Ten - I hate Hospitals

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A week later and here I am on the way to the hospital. Kayden offered to drive me in his car which is a beautiful black Audi R8 by the way. Who was going to tell me this man was rich? If I had known maybe I would've never gone psycho on him. Just kidding. I definitely
would have.

My nails dig into the palm of my hands, creating the familiar crescent shape. My anxiety is hard to control sometimes, especially when going to hospitals. Lets be real. Who actually enjoys hospitals? Exactly. It is also the last place I saw my parents' bodies.

"Faith, we're here" he snaps me from my thoughts as I glance up to the tall building in front of me. This is really happening. Breathe "are you good?" He questions as I get out of the car in my grey sweatpants, hoodie and green sliders. The doctor told me to come in something comfy as I might be here for a while, I told the school that I have a check up at a hospital further away so they don't suspect anything.

We walk in silence to the entrance, my breathing becoming uneven with anxiety. I feel a hand clasp onto my shoulder and stop me "Faith, are you good?" He repeats. I look up to his face and nod.

"Yeah, I just just jus-" I breathe, fanning myself with my hands. Is it hot out here?

"Breathe" he soothes me and places both hands on my shoulders, instantly calming me down a bit "ready?" He questions.

"Yeah" I say with a shaky voice, Kayden slings an arm over my shoulder, trying his best to comfort me. We turn and walk through the large glass sliding doors/ the entrance to hell.

The smell of cleaning products hits me immediately, bile rising in my throat, a reception desk sits in the right corner, Kayden leads me over to it.

"Hello, how can I help?" A cheery voice comes from behind the computer screen.

"Uhm, I've got a got a a-" I stutter.

"She has an appointment to get some bloods done and scans" He saves me, giving my shoulder a squeeze, I'm internally grateful.

"What's the name?" She smiles at me, sensing my uneasiness.

"Faith Campbell" Kayden tells her as she begins to type on her computer. Moments later she glances up to us and gives directions. We say our 'thank you's' and head the way she told us to go. We walk past old and young, happy and grieving people. Hospitals are crazy places. So many emotions can be felt in one building, so many lives being impacted in every way. You could be here to bring a new life into the world or to watch a life exit the world. It makes me feel on edge.

We take a seat in the designated waiting area and remain in silence, I fiddle with the sleeves of my shirt as Kayden plays with his phone. I watch the nurses call people in and leav-

"Faith Campbell" a female voice announces "please follow me" I get up from my seat as Kayden stays seated, I look down at him with a frown on my face.

"Do you want me to come?" He asks almost surprised, I nod and hold my hand out to which he grabs and pulls himself up. The nurse leads us down a busy corridor and then into a large room with a bed.

"Your doctor told me to make you feel comfortable as you might be here for a while" she smiles at me "we will pop in and out all day to check on you and run some tests. Please stay in the room at all times, your bathroom is over there and if there is any problems, ring the bell above the bed" she points to the items in the room and swiftly exits. I sigh and flop myself onto the bed, Kayden slumps into the nearest chair and groans.

"You don't have to stay" I notify him "I'll be good on my own, plus I might be here for a long time" He looks at me as if I just said the most dumbest thing.

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