Seventeen - Our Story Ended Before It Even Started

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The doctors called. They said that Kayden's heart rate had spiked so everyone rushed to the hospital. I stayed here. I can't handle the false hope. I'm currently sat on a bean bag on top of the roof with a bottle of whiskey and a blunt. Living life. Not.

"Can't you save him? Somebody fucking save him. He deserves so much better. Take me instead, please" I tell the stars "His mom needs him, she can't die without seeing her son one more time. This world is so cruel. I thought God was there to help us, not to destroy us" I almost yell, throwing the empty bottle off the roof. I hope nobody is walking past. Oops.

The sound of my phone ringing echoes through the midnight sky. I don't even look at the caller before answering.

"What?" I mutter.

"Hello to you too" Mason's voice sounds offended on the other side.

"What do you want?" I slur.

"Jesus. You might want to come to the hospital, K's heart monitor is going to explode" he tells me before ending the call. What?

I decide that I should probably head to the hospital even though I am very much over the limit but at this point, who gives a fuck? I stumble over to Kayden's car that he let me borrow ages ago. He's been in a coma for 11 weeks. I just about made it to the hospital without getting into a car crash. I made my way up to the fourth floor, I swear I could do this shit with my eyes closed now. I see the familiar group of people and walk up to them.

"Faith" the doctor addresses me as I scowl at him "now that you're all here, I have discussed Kayden's options with my colleagues and we have come to an agreement that it is time to turn off his oxygen. It's been 11 weeks, if he is strong enough he will be wake up" he tells us "if you have any objections please let me know" he says, walking away.

This is going to officially kill him. But isn't he basically dead already? I want to cry. I want Kayden to comfort me.

"I think we should do it" Korey says as everyone agrees. But what if it kills him?

"Faith?" Jordan says, getting my attention.

"Um" I stutter to which they all understand. Mason goes to find the doctors as I stay next to Elijah, shaking with nerves. He wraps an arm around my shoulder, comforting me as I take slow breaths. The doctors soon come and start the process. They allow us all into the room.

"I want you guys to understand that there is a high chance th-" he starts.

"We know" I cut him off. I lied. I haven't accepted the fact that he might die. I can't. He can't die. The doctor nods before flicking a switch on the wall, he begins to turn some buttons and pulls wires from Kayden's body. I grip onto Elijah's hand tighter as I feel tears brim in my eyes. He's dead.

We all stand in silence as the machine flat lines. Oh god. Oh my god. He's dead. He's actually gone. No. No no no no no no. I feel my knees become weak as I let out a sob I had been holding in. They killed him.

Elijah wraps his arms around me, holding my body up. I just watched Kayden get killed, we let him die. It's my fault. I should of said no. I'm so stupid. I should die.

A loud beep rings through the room as I snap my head up, Jordan's face looking tear stained.  Is that it? A couple more beeps ring as the monitor shows the line moving up and down. A heartbeat? No. He's alive? No. Wait. Yes.

Kayden's eyes slowly flicker open as I see his beautiful green eyes for the first time in months. Oh my god. I can't move. I watch as everyone goes over to him, taking it in turns to hug him and whisper things into his ear. By the time it was my turn, everyone had left the room to leave us alone.

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