Writer-chan's last note(?)

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Helloooooo! Thank you to whoever still in touch or who was.

It's been years since the last update, and unfortunately I won't be able to update anymore.

But thank you to whoever hoped for my well-being, and I'm doing really fine right now and healthy.

Thank you really much to people who still willing to read this far, thank you!

Also, I came to write some of above and also promoting a friend's work. She comes new in wattpad but pretty much inspired by me. Because of that, I feel like promoting her work here.


Link to her profile: https://www.wattpad.com/user/AkanoReina

Link to her work: https://www.wattpad.com/1123541422-tears-of-themis-one-shots-sick-checkmate-vyn-x-fem

Everyone, thank you! Sorry that I can't continue the story anymore since how life is going. Busy with life and my study.

I hope everyone doing fine!

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