Chapter 12 : Lucky Item

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You are never expected Midorima asked you to out during the end semester break. But you only replied 'okay' as soon as you received a mail from Midorima.

"Oh man, why would a guy that I didn't know really well asking me to accompany him?" you mumbled to yourself as you looking at the mirror, you are trying to look nice in the end.

After you done with your clothing, you rushed to go downstairs and wearing your favorite footwear.

"Ah I should rush or otherwise I will get scold from him" you held the front doorknob and rushed to go outside then lock it outside.

"You don't need to rush, [Last Name]"

"KYAA--" you heard someone's voice that made you dropped your house key.

"The hell Midorima-kun!! You should have told me if you already here!" you picked your house key and pointed at the someone who stood few metres in front of you. And it's Midorima.

"I just arrived here seconds ago," Midorima walked closer to you.


" what's the point of asked me out with you? A date? Oh wait, or it's a blind date?" you asked while crossing your arms.

"Neither of it. I only asked you to accompany me, nanodayo," he replied coldly.

"For what?"

"To get today's Cancer lucky item," he adjusted his eyeglasses.

"You can get it yourself, right? Plus, you are someone who rely on yourself, Midorima-kun"

"But I need you this time, [Last Name]," he sounded like begging to you.

"Fine, but you should treat me sweets later," you winked at him as your agreement.

You and Midorima started to walk togother. It's a little awkward but you have no choice, also you have nothing to do in home.

"So where are we going?" you stared at Midorima.

"An antique shop nearby here," he replied. Everything went silent after it.

You don't know what to ask from him, and you completely doing positive thinking at the same time because you are thinking if this is his plan to secretly dating you. You are only thinking something and completely didn't realized if Midorima held your hand.

"U-uh, Midorima-kun? Why you holding my hand?" you asked nervously but not trying to let your hand go from his.

"I am afraid you will lost somewhere, nanodayo," he replied, as usual, coldly.

"Lies! I am not a kid anymore," you pouted, his reasoning kinda a bit fishy.

"Of course it's not a lie. For me, you are like my little sister, so I should make you 100% safe," he looked at dumbfounded you, of course, you were dumbfounded because his words.

As the two of you arrived in front of an antique shop, Midorima let go of your hand from his and went in the shop.

"Welcome," the shop keeper greeted you and Midorima.

"Umm what kind of item we should get?" you asked Midorima who starts to look for the lucky item of the day.

"A dog shaped icon," he said while looking at the antique items one by one.

"Okay, I will help you to find one," you started to looking for the item Midorima seek, without complaining.

Thirty minutes already passed, but you didn't find what Midorima wants, same as well with Midorima. When you asked him, he only tilted his head.

"What's now?" you asked the quiet Midorima as the two of you out from the antique shop.

"Let's rest a bit there," he pointed at the nearby park.

"Let's go," you walked to the park, letting Midorima walks behind you.

You sat on a bench in the park, you seeing Midorima walks so slow, but you don't mind of it.

"Can I be honest now?" he said in a low voice tone.

"Eh? What is it?" he made you a bit confused.

"I was lying...." he scratched his hair and sat beside me.

"Lying? You mean about getting your lucky item?" you stared at the green haired boy blankly.

"Yes. I heard from Oha-Asa if today's Cancer lucky item is... Wrong, it's not like if it's lucky item. But anyway, I need to spend today with a girl who closes to me, nanodayo," he explained everything, all about he needs you to get his lucky item only a lie. But you didn't mad.

"Why you didn't tell me from the beginning? It's not good to be tsundere, you know," you shrugged a bit.

"I-I am not like that," he kind of refused, but you know if he is tsundere.


"It's not bad to spending my time with someone I know. Just call this as our date," you stood from the bench and held Midorima's hand.

"You sure?" asked Midorima.

"Uhm. But please, just tell me if you have something to tell to me. Don't be tsundere," you chuckled.

"I told you, I am not tsundere!" he blushed a bit after you called him as tsundere. But it's true, right?

"Okay okay. As promised, treat me sweets now," you winked at him.

"Oi, since when I agree-- Oh well fine! As the sign of our dat--" Midorima stopped his words, you know what he will say next but you are pretending otherwise.

"No more talk. Let's buy some sweets," you pulled his hand once again after he stood from the bench.


Author(s) Note : Hooo, first date with Shintaro. Umm, I should make sure the reader date all the boys(eh?) or maybe just few. Maybe I should make the story sweeter then.

I don't own KnB charas~

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