Chapter 15 : Caught in Danger!

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You are a bit late today. You need to deliver the assignments to the teacher's room, no one was helping, nah,  you were just being hard headed if you could do it yourself. And now it made you late to go home. It's almost 5 pm, not good for a girl loitering around, should gone home fast.

"Screw it, why I didn't accept Akashi-kun's offer?" you murmured as you fastened your walk pace.

You felt your breath became so uncontrolled so you slowed your walk pace. As you passed a park, you felt something weird, like someone stalking you.

"Who's there?" you looked behind you, but there's nothing just a cat passing the street.

You continue your walk, it's already 10 minutes since the first step till now, you are almost there, almost. When you are about to turn left, someone grabbed your right shoulder roughly. You could see two strangers, they are too unfamiliar for you and they have kind of perverts expression.

"Hmm, why a beauty like you loitering around at this late?" one of them began to touch your chin.

"Let go of me, you jerk" you struggling from the grab, but the guy still holding your shoulder tight.

"No way I would do that" the guy who did touch your chin now is playing with your hair.

"Tch, why this should happen to me?" you closed your eyes, you were hoping miracle will occurs to save you.

And yes, it does happen to you. A man was hurrying to safe you, "Oi bastards! Let her go!". You still closed your eyes, you could recognize the owner of the voice, it's Aomine. Aomine did struck one of the guys using his school bag, and gave an assault kick to other one.

"O-oi! How dare you, brat!" one of the strangers gives Aomine a super speed fist, but Aomine could dodge it and he did counter attack to the guy. Sure, he is knocked out because Aomine's counter attack.

"W-what? Y-you are monster!" the remaining stranger ran from you two, that's really a relief for you.

"Such a cowardice" Aomine sighed.

"Thank you, Aomine-kun" you bowed a little to Aomine, also blushing at the same time.

"It's okay. Don't you try to gone home this late, 'kay?" Aomine looked away, trying not to catch your gaze.

"Uhm, of course. Umm anyway, why you are still here at this late? Just curious" you tidied yourself and looked at the blue haired boy.

"I was doing assigments, the teacher was giving me a looooot assigments, and it's hella annoying for my right hand to do" Aomine said.

"Oh I see" you replied.

"Oh right, I have something for you" Aomine took something from his pocket, he handed a pair of hairpin to you.

"Eh? For me?" you staring the hairpin with happy expression.

"I won a mini game yesterday and got that stuffs as the prize. It's no use for me" Aomine looked at other direction, you could see his face gone red.

"...Eh, thank you so much. I really like it!" you wore the hairpin into your beautiful long hair, and it really suits you.

"Ah glad to hear, by the way, go home safely!" Aomine ran to other direction, his silhouette slowly began to join with the darkness.

"I will treasure this for sure" you smiled to no one, and walks away to your home.


Author's note(s) : Short, short, and short.  Guess I need to make long chapter instead of having a ton of short chapters

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