Chapter 6 : Join the Practice

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Monday, day the most people hate, especially for students. You weren't satisfied with your exam result, you got more than 90 for each subject except Japanese. It's pretty absurd because you never studied Japanese when you were in America, but you still can speak Japanese clearly.

You ate murmured at yourself in the way to the class until someone startled you from behind. You faced them, it's Akashi. He smiled at you.

"Hello" he said.

"H-hello, Akashi-kun" you said, a bit nervous.

"I saw your exam result on Saturday, and the result was amazing for a transfer student like [Last Name]. Except for the Japanese, you should study hard for it"

"A-ah don't mention it please," you sweated after hearing his comment.

"Ahaha, don't worry. I can teach you about Japanese as you please, but for today, I can't"

"It's okay, Akashi-kun. By the way, you really are busy today?" you asked him.

"Not really, I have to attend the basketball practice," he looked away.

"Can I come too?"

"Sure, it's my pleasure" he winks his crimson red eye. You felt something not right about him, but just forget it.

"Follow me, [Last Name]," you nodded and followed him from behind.

There was nothing much you asked about him. He is a wealthy kid, to be honest, you didn't really expect about it. Also, other day, Kise told you if Akashi is a perfect boy. Not just on his club activities, his intelligences are high too. As you expect, he got 1st rank on the latest exam.

You and Akashi arrived outside a huge building. You guessed it's a building for the basketball club activities. You two stepped inside, there is nothing but a blue haired boy playing basketball alone. Then, Akashi opens his mouth.

"You are early today, Aomine"

For real? Aomine? The one Midorima talked about when we was in library? The ace of Generation of Miracles!?

"Huh? Really? I thought it's good if I come early," the blue haired boy named Aomine rubbed his nape.

"By the way, who is her?" Aomine pointed at you.

"She is [Last Name] [First Name], a transfer student from Americ,a" Akashi replied.

"Oh, the one Tetsu told me, not bad," Aomine said while touching his chin.

"H-hey, what do you mean by 'not bad' here?" you yelled at him.

"You will know it someday," Aomine grins at you.

"I will going to change my uniform. You two, don't quarreling, okay?" Akashi said.

As Akashi leave you and Aomine alone, there ia nothing than a silence covering us. Aomine kept playing basketball alone, meanwhile you are stood near the entrance. You guess, his height about same like Kise and Midorima.

"You are Aomine Daiki-kun, right? The ace of Generation of Miracles"

"Yeah, good for you to know Generation of Miracles," he said while doing dunk.

"As I heard from Midorima-kun, you are the light of Kuroko-kun, right?" you asked him again.

"Yeah, also, me and Tetsu can be friendly together through basketball," he starred at you.

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