Chapter 18 : Which Redhead?

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Akashi caught you playing your phone, it's quite fun for you to play the recent popular otome game, 'Mystic Messenger'. Akashi called you once, but you didn't respond him. So his last choice is taking your phone away.

"H-hey,  give my phone back!" you yelled at him.

"You weren't listening to me, so why I should listen to you?" He put your phone to his pocked then shrugging at you.

"T-than game was fun, sorry," you showed him a fake cry face.

"B-but, 707's appearance reminds me of Akashi-kun, I can't help but play the game," you tried to explain him the situation.

"Alright, alright, here's your phone," he returns your phone.

"Oh right, mind if we go home together today?" Akashi asked the relieved you.

"Ah sure," you smiled at him.


Not sure but, it's break time, and yeah, you're still on your phone. The Generation of Miracles boys are enjoying their meals except Akashi, he looks a bit annoyed seeing you still playing your phone.

"Ehm, [Last Name]-san, would you put your phone aside and have your meals, please?" asked Akashi in a proper manner.

"Just let her enjoy her game, Akashicchi," Kise pats Akashi's back.

"It's not bad idea to let a girl enjoying her life," Aomine said then chewing his meals.

Akashi only sighed and continues eating his meals. Might be he got jealous of because you are stick with the game lately?


"It's time to go home, [Last Name]," Akashi calls you, but once again you didn't respond him like what you did this morning. He merely trembles in front of the classroom door.

"Just the two of us here, you want us to be locked here?" Akashi walks to your seat.

"W-wait a little bit more," you said while looking at Akashi.

"Just play it while going home," Akashi eyeballing at you.

As the two of you walk on the corridor, of course, you are still playing your phone. Not giving much attention to Akashi. And then you're humming a little, in a sad expression.

"Oh no, I got Bad En---" Before you could end your sentence, Akashi took your phone off from your hand, and just put it on his pocket.

"Can you just see me right here?" Akashi does kabedon you, makes you hard to runaway from him.

"Err, well, see..." you got your nerves right now, responding of fear to Akashi's current mood.

"Even if you got Bad Ending from the game, you still can reach Good Ending on me, right?" Stunned with his words, what kind of pickable boys of otome game character is he? He is trying to act sweet after what he got from you today.

"S-sorry, Akashi-kun," you said in a trembling voice.

"Now, choose me or the 707 guy?"

"Of course, it's A---" You haven't done your words but he already kissed you on the lips.

"Don't answer it, silly. Of course I know the answer," he then chuckles at you, letting you go now.

"Let's go home properly, [Last Name],"

You followed him from behind, and only a blush is what you are trying to hide. The sudden kiss attack is something to you, but because it, you can forget the Bad Ending you just got.

Should I play the game more to get more kisses from Akashi-kun?


Thoru-chan note : Bleh short one huh, well I just got that idea tho, and poof, made Akashi looks like the one jealousy here hehe *slapped by the Almighty Akashi* Well update soon~

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