Chapter 10 : Chocolate Kisses

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You are happy today, not because today still snowy, because today is Valentine's Day. You made a pack of homemade chocolates this early morning, mindlessly, you didn't know for who the packed chocolates for.

When you arrived in the class, some boys are begging for chocolates from you but you feel irritated because it and started to runaway from them. The unfortunate is they are really chasing you.

You didn't know where to run anymore so you decided to hide yourself in the rooftop, you thought you could gaining peaceful, but you met those Generation of Miracles there.

"Why you guys here?" you are scared because you just realized if they are in the rooftop.

"How about [Last Name]?" the captain spoke. The Generation of Miracles members are sitting on the floor, shaping a circle.

"Don't reply me with a question, oh fine, I was being chased by my boy classmates," you breathed in after the tiring run.

"How about Akashi-kun and others?"

"We are dragged here by Kise's problem," Akashi told.

"W-why me? Oh come on Akashicchi, it's hard to be a model," Kise pouted.

"Because your fangirls and your action, Kise-kun," Kuroko added.

"Ah, Kurokocchi too? Why people so mean to me!?" Kise faked cry.

"Shut up, Kise," Aomine gets annoyed with Kise's fake cry and slapped Kise's back.

"Are you going to give chocolates to a guy, [Last Name]-chin?" Murasakibara asked. He is th only one who ate chocolates that time.

"Yes, but I haven't decided who will get my packed chocolates," you took the packed chocolates from my bag.

"One of us?" Midorima asked. He is sitting between Kise and Murasakibara.

"I don't know" you ruffled your hair with your free hand.

"Or should I share with you guys?" you went inside the circle and sitting on the floor.

You opened the wrapped chocolates, fortunately, you made six so all the Generation of Miracles will get one for each member.

"It looks delicious," Murasakibara took one of them without your permission.

"I want one too," Aomine also took one as well.

"[Last Name]cchi really skilled on cooking," Kise praised you and took one of the four chocolates.

"......." Midorima took one without say anything. It's quite annoying.

"Thank you, [Last Name]-san," Kuroko took one and smiled to you.

"Thank you for sharing your chocolates for us, [Last Name]," Akashi took the last one and winked to you. It was so cute.

You couldn't stop smiling at them and chuckled when seeing them ate the chocolates. Nothing fishy happened until someone dragged your face and....kissed you on the lips.

"[Last Name]-chin tasted so sweet," he let go your lips from his. It was so awkward, your face gone reddish.

"That's because you ate a chocolate, nanodayo," Midorima adjusted his eyeglasses.

"She does tasted sweet, try it, Mido-chin," Murasakibara touched Midorima's shoulder.

"Okay," Midorima touched your face and pressed his lips against yours. Tasted sweet but, so awkward, even your face gone more reddish.

"Yes, she does tasted sweet, but it because we ate chocolates," Midorima's face looked a bit pinky.

"Let me try," Aomine kissed you, it was a rough one, but tasted sweet. You could feel your face burning.

"Me too," Kise kissed you sweetly, now you couldn't showed your face to them and covered it with your hands.

"[Last Name]-san?" you could hear Kuroko's voice.

"Yes?" you showed your face, and.....Kuroko kissed you on the lips, you could see his cute blushed face.

"Aaah!" you let out a scream and hid your face again.

"How about Akashicchi?" Kise spoke.

"I'm okay, don't worry," Akashi said.

"It's not fair, Aka-chin," Murasakibara added.

"Okay, I will try to," you could hear Akashi let out a long sigh.

"[Last Name]?" Akashi called.

"Y-yes, Akashi-kun?" you opened your hands, let Akashi to see you.

"I'm sorry," he pressed his lips against yours, and it was a passionate one. From the other members, Akashi's kiss is the longest.

"Akashi-kun, stop it," Kuroko warned.

"A-ah, I was too carried away. Sorry," Akashi let go of you. You were really too embarrassed.

"Kyaaa!" you let out a scream once again, and hid your face. You couldn't handle the feelings.

"Are you alright, [Last Name]cchi?" Kise touched your back.

"A-ah, y-yes," you let the boys see your face. It was still totally red.

"We did it too much," Akashi said.

"Wasn't the longest one is Aka-chin's kiss? " Murasakibara complained.

"Aaaah, I still can't handle this," you said.

I liked when they enjoyed the chocolates, but it was too much for the kisses. What if it happen again?


Author's note(s) : Okay, that was too much kiss. Oh wait.....ah,well. Nevermind *hides under the table*

I didn't own KnB charas and reader-chan qwq

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