Chapter 9 : Old Friend's Promise

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You decided to head home early today instead of watching the basketball practice because you got plenty homeworks and household to do.

You looked at your tiny shoes in your way to your lovely house. Lonely.

"Ugh, I'm so lost right now," you heard a groan from someone. You are really familiar with the voice. Is that Taiga?

You followed the source of the voice. It's from a park not far from where you stood. You could see someone sat on the park bench. Fortunately, the one who sat there really is Taiga.

"Taiga!" you called his name loudly and ran toward his direction.

"Whoa, [First Name]!?" Taiga stood from the bench.

"Long time no see~" you gave him a warm hug.

"Since when you here?" you asked him and sat on the bench.

"Since yesterday," the brunette said and sits as well.

"Why you here? Because of me?" you teased him, you already knew it doesn't work well for Taiga.

"Of course not. Basketball is what I seek," what Taiga said, like what you thought.

"Isn't America already have the perfect one?" you asked.

"I want to know basketball in Japan. But look, basketball here is same allover the place," Taiga sighed.

"Really? You seek a strong opponent?" you looked at him.

"Isn't that obvious?" he shrugged.

"Maybe you haven't discovered gems you wanted to find" you gave him a soft slap on the back.

"I will keep searching," Taiga looks in high spirit. He was like that too back then, always in high spirit when he found a strong opponent, especially if it was Tatsuya.

"So how's your relationship with Tatsuya?" you weren't going to ask it since their relationship was gone worse but you need to know too.

"Not good," he lowered his head, touching the ring that hung on his neck.

"I haven't fulfilled my promise before I gone to Japan," he added.

"I hope your brothers relationship with Tatsuya getting better," you felt bad for asking their relationship.

"Thank you"

"By the way, where do you live?" he asked while facing you.

"Not really far from here," you said.

"Can I visit your house...ah, please?" he begged. The way he used formalities is cute.

"Why not?" you stood and gave him a high five.

"Let's go" you ran slowly.

Taiga was warned you many times to not run because you looked awkward on his eyes. After all, the best way to treat Taiga is always in high spirit.

You felt tired although you just did a slow run. Taiga mocked you for not listening him. Luckily, you two are arrived in front of your house.

"Welcome~" you said while bowing at Taiga.

"Oh come on [First Name], no formalities," Taiga let out a small laugh.

You picked the key and opened the door. It's so good to get home early after the confusing school day. You let Taiga sat on the sofa in living room, meanwhile you took some foods from the refrigerator.

"So how's school life?" Taiga asked.

"I met great people," you replied him, putting the food on the living room table.


"They are good on basketball," you told more.

"Whoa, really? Can you tell me more.....please?" he begged.

"They are called as---" there is a ringtone rang from a cellphone, it was not yours to be exact.

"Ah, I will going to answer this," Taiga walked away.

You wondered why he could always in high spirit. Even the time you must separated from him.


Taiga was there, behind you, waved at you before you went on the plane. You looked at his face, he like his usual, but this time, it was different. He looked sad but trying to be in high spirit.

"This is not a goodbye," he shouted from afar.

"Of course" you shouted as loud as you can.

"We will meet each other again next time. I promise" he showed a big smile to you.

"Promise!" the more you stepped forward, the more you could see Taiga's true color that time.

You knew it. He already suffered with his brothers relationship with Tatsuya. Now, you really made him felt more suffered than what he supposed to handle.

You didn't want to see him crying again....


"A-ah, sorry [First Name]. I need to leave now," Taiga startled you.

"U-uh okay. Be careful, Taiga," you smiled at him.

It's great to meet him again. I don't know if he still remember it or not. But it was a big relieve for me.


Author's note(s) : *was thinking about incoming birthday* Um well, it is special for my incoming birthday, so I will update as fast as I can.

I didn't own KnB charas and reader-chan >^>

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