Chapter 14 : The Secret

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"Kyaaa, in the same class again with Akashi-sama"

You heard noises as you about to gone into your new class, this third year, you got in the class 3-A. You are not really excited, nor feel annoyed.

"Good morning" you went in your classroom, you know no one there to greet you, except one.... Yes, the red haired captain.

"Waa, the rumor seems true. She is cute," you heard a boy is whispering about you to his friend, but you just ignored him.

The breeze of spring is good this time, you can feel the comfortable under your blazer. Not only that, you also greeted by a smile from Akashi.

"Hello, [Last Name]," Akashi waved his hand to you.

"Hello too, Akashi-kun," you replied him with a smile.

"How's life?"

"Fine as usual, how about Akashi-kun?" you took a seat in front of Akashi, seems no one does take it or maybe Akashi prohibited anyone to seize it.

He glances a bit, looking at the window with composed expression, "Dunno". He sounds like usual, but something just different. You just felt flustered to think about it, so you just ignored him.

"Morning," you heard a familiar voice reaching your ears.

"Ah, it's Midorima. So we are in the same class, right?" Akashi said looking at the green haired boy, a smirk hanging on his lips.

"What's with it, Akashi? Spit it out," Midorima adjusted his eyeglasses, as you looked at him, it seems he got foul mood with him.

Akashi looked at you with a smirk still hanging on his lips, you just didn't know what it means so you are up for speak, "What?".

"Eh, nevermind. You will know it later," Akashi looked at the window, trying to avoid Midorima's and your gazes.

Midorima walked to the seat beside Akashi, "You are really confusing us, Akashi". But Akashi didn't glance a bit, or he just ignored Midorima.

Time for homeroom class arrived, the homeroom teacher introduced herself in front of the class, she looks so cheery also young. For this morning, the class started with students introduction. Some of the students look so shy, some of them just ordinary, the one look too much is... Yes, Akashi himself. When the time for him to introduce himself, some of the girl students fangirling at him, it's annoying for you, but you wanted to join them though.

After the introduction, the teacher gave us the daily schedule and told us if the class will start tomorrow so the students gone home early today. Of course, you and others accepted it with satisfied expression.

"[Last Name], mind go home together?" Midorima startled you from behind.

"Ah, sure Midorima-kun," you nodded.

"There's something I need to tell you later," he began to walk away, you followed him from behind.

As the two of you walked away from the school, Midorima looked away many times, looking for someone he doesn't want to see.

"He is not here, so safe to tell," Midorima adjusted his glasses.

"He? What is it anyway?"

"It's about Akashi"

"What's wrong with him?"

"You are not so close to him? If not I will tell you then..."

"....He has another personality, it's different than the real him. Should I say for clear, the cold side of him," Midorima looked at you with a serious expression.

"Really? Such a boy like him?" you have doubt on believing his words.

"The side never showed directly, but I could feel it whenever I am with him," Midorima said while adjusting his eyeglasses.

"Anyway, don't ever tell this to him. And you should beware, okay?" Midorima ruffled your hair slowly.

".......Oh, okay," you just never imagine if Akashi has two personalities. But you are between 'believe it' and 'impossible' for thinking Akashi has two personalities.

"Be safe, Midorima-kun," you waved at Midorima as the two of you separated from the way to go home.

".......Just how creepy his other side would be?..." you murmured yourself and began to run towards your sweet home.


Author's note(s) : *yawns* too short and too lame, I know. But I still have one chapter to be published. Oh well....

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