Chapter 11.3 : Unexpected Captain

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Still evening but one by one of the Generation of Miracles already gave up on studying, but still left two others, Akashi and Midorima. They using their own methods on studying.

Murasakibara isn't care anymore, what he did now was snacking while watching television. Meanwhile Kise and Aomine are playing hanafuda. Kuroko? He is reading a novel.

You are gave up too on studying, and you are like dying. You often saw Akashi and Midorima staring each other. What was that?

"I will prepare meals for dinner tonight," you went to the kitchen.

You took all ingredients you need for making dinner tonight. Menu for tonight is Yosenabe, nabe feast with Generation of Miracles? Why not.

You placed the mini stove and the pot on the dining table. Everything ready, just need to call people to eat together.

"Everyone!! It's dinner time~" you shouted.

The one who arrived at the kitchen ks Murasakibara, followed by Aomine. Then Kise and Kuroko showed up together, but Midorima and Akashi still haven't showed up, that was made you a bit annoyed.

"Akashi-kun, Midorima-kun, everyone is waiting~!" you shouted once again, but they didn't show up unlike what you wanted.

"Like I have a choice," you walked to the living room.

You saw Midorima and Akashi still studying, beside that, they really made people waiting.

"You guys made people waiting," you pulled their ears.

"it hurts, [Last Name]," Midorima snapped your hand.

"A-ah, pull it more," Akashi said, more like moaning over your action.

"AKASHI!?" "AKASHI-KUN!?"you and Midorima shouted almost at the same.

"Oops, sorry," Akashi winked at you two.

"Umm uhm, let's go to the kitchen, people already waiting us " your heart still throbbing over Akashi's wink awhile ago.

Akashi, Midorima, and you went to the kitchen. The three of you sat on the remaining chairs, you sat between Kuroko and Akashi, meanwhile Midorima sat beside Kise.

"Thank you for the food~" you said happily. The Geration of Miracles members started to take the foods inside the pot.

"Umm, it's delicious," Murasakibara ate a sliced beef from the pot.

"I should tell Satsuki to learn cooking  from you," Aomine showed his thumbs, mean he likes the nabe.

".........." you looked at Akashi, he chewed his food in deep speechless.

"It's not a big surprise, nanodayo"

"Also, we already tasted her homemade chocolates, nanodayo"

"Since [Last Name] living by herself here, she needs to be good on cooking," Midorima added more words.

"I wonder if Momoi-san need to live by herself so she can cook better," spontaneously, other Generation of Miracles members laughed over what Kuroko said.

"Come on,  it's bad to talk someone like that behind them," but Kise still laughing a bit.

"Aka-chin, what's wrong? You are speechless just now," Murasakibara pointed his chopsticks to Akashi.

"Nothing much. I tasted the tofu, and it's delicious," Akashi propped his head with his free hand and gazed over me and other Generation of Miracles members.

"Hmm, I should make [Last Name] as my bride in the future," Akashi winked at everyone while making a love gesture with his chopsticks.

"Like we have a choice to agree!" All the Generation of Miracles members were against Akashi.

Huh, they are so noisy, yet so funny. And why me, Akashi?


Author's note(s) : I still have a bonus for this chapter 11. Huehuehue.

I don't own reader-chan and KnB charas also all the pics.

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