Chapter 19 : Hide and Seek

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You are now having meals with the Generation of Miracles, but today is different. You told them to bring lunchbox so you and the boys can eat in school rooftop.

"We don't have practice today, but yet I don't want to go home sooner," Kise said, holding his lunchbox but not yet eat the meals.

"How about hide and seek after school?" Aomine recommended to everyone.

"Child never grows, right?" You said laughing at Aomine.

"O-oi, it's not like me being kiddy or stuff, but it's fun," Aomine did counterattack your comment.

"Unless you have an extra power to tag all the members," Midorima said while pointing at Aomine.

"Plus, summer is bad," you added as well.

"It's good honestly, playing hide and seek once in awhile isn't bad," Akashi up for the discussion.

"Chount meh hin," Murasakibara said while munching his meals.

"Yay, Akashi voted for us," Kise ready to high-five with Aomine.

"Not with me," Aomine burned up Kise by his words.

"Aw, cruel"

"Okay guys, gather at library after school," said Akashi.


You are 15 minutes late because you need do some assignments and submitted it yourself. And it's kind of tiring a little, for sure.

"Everyone's here now, so let's do rock scissor paper," Akashi said while pointing the members one by one.




"Aw what!?" You hissed with the result.

"Poor [Last Name]cchi,"

You lose the game, and you must find all the boys. You are closing your eye, let the boys hide for the game.

"I think it's already 5 minutes?" You said then open the eyes.

I must find them.

You are now walking in school corridor, thinking where they are hiding right now. You are sure checking the school rooftop is the basic. And true, you found Kise there.

"Hiya, [Last Name]cchi," he waves his hand to you.

You run toward him, but he could dodge you so he goes downstair to runaway from you.

"Shit, even chasing Kise-kun is hard too," you said while unbutton  the collar of your school uniform.

So your second place to visit is the school gymnasium. Walking from top to bottom is actually tiring, and girls have no big energy unlike boys.

"Whoa, [Last Name]," Aomine surprised a little bit, he's sure having much energy for doing basketball play right now.

"Let me tag you!" You yelled while running toward him.

"Not so fast, missy!" Aomine said, running away as well. He goes outside the gymnasium faster than how you run to chase him.

"Huft, hot and tired," you complained to the boys, eventhough  they're not with you.

"Maybe I should cooling myself a little bit"

You choose to cooling yourself inside girl's toilet. Sweating a lot makes you a little bit wet, so you decides to unbutton your school tshirt.



2 buttons are enough, but it's already exposing half of your boobs and [Bra Color]. You washed your face with water, so cool for the sweating you.


You heard someone open the door, so you constantly looked at someone who standing there.

"A-ah, hi [Last Name]-san--" Kuroko's face becomes redder than usual.

"Kyaaa, pervert!!" You chasing him, trying to hit him hard on his head because he took a peek on your boobs.

You are chasing Kuroko as fast as you can while buttoning your school tshirt. But time by time, you feel dizzy, and your vision becomes darker. Then everything looks black and you fall to the school corridor floor.


"She is conscious," you are hearing the voice hazily as you opened your eyes.

You're on school medical room right now because you were passed out because the hide and seek game. Everyone's here.

"You know guys?" You touched every boys' hand.

"I already tagged you all, I win the game," you smiled to them, your face looks paler.

"Oh c'mon, your health is number one, don't push yourself too hard, idiot," Aomine said then patting your head.

"If you're tired, just tell us already," Kise said while touching your right hand.

"We were really panicked when you passed out, so we quickly carried you to this medical room," Akashi said, a long exhales from him could be heard.

"Drink this," Midorima handed you a fresh mineral water.

"U-uh sorry for make you guys worried about me"

"Thank you," you said and then drinking the mineral water.

"But I wonder why Tetsu's face looks redder than usual"

"I-it's nothing, really Aomine-kun. I'm just a little bit tired," Kuroko replied to Aomine.

Oh right, please Kuroko don't tell them or they'll want to see it too...


Thoru-chan: Kyaaaa, few days and Merry Christmas!!! Well have a nice holiday!!

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