Chapter 16 : Mini Game

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"Rock... "



You looked at everyone's hand, it's all Scissors, except you.

"Hey, why only me who chose paper?" you pouted.

"You are just being insensitive with this game, [Last Name]cchi" Kise drew a line on your face because you lose the game.

"You should have brought a lucky item from now on" Midorima follows what Kise did.

"Huh? Like she is a freaking horoscope believer. Look Midorima, it's 21th century, and why you still believe in something so stupid?" Aomine said while drawing something on your face.

"Tch, none of your business," Midorima adjusted his eyeglasses.

"...and why am I here exactly? I should have gone to my class now," Midorima stood up from the floor.

"Wait wait! Just join a little bit more, Midorima" Aomine pulled Midorima's right hand.

"Huh.... Okay, nanodayo, " Midorima sat down back.

"Hey, let's continue shall we?" Kise did clapping his hand, he looked satisfied with the little game, nearly stupid, and the one that made the game fun because the one that lose first is you.

"Hmm, looks nice. May I join the game too?" you saw the red haired boy, Akashi, stood behind Midorima.  He is like out from nowhere, or he does have Misdirection? Nah, of course he doesn't have Misdirection.

"Here, Akashi," Aomine gave Akashi a space to sit.

"Ah, thank you," Akashi sat between Midorima and Aomine.

"The rule is simple, Akashicchi. The one who wins the game will draw something on the loser's face using this," Kise pointed at the little plastic bag,  it contains safe powder.

"Hmm, count me in," Akashi touched his chin.

"Okay let's start the game," Kise said.

"Rock... "

"Scissor.... "


You were closed your eyes during 'Paper!' shout. For sure, you chose rock and feeling lucky about it. Few seconds after it, people remain speechless, so you open your eyes.

"A-akashicchi?" Kise sounded a bit shaky.

"For eternity..." Midorima said in low voice.

"Akashi-kun lose?!" you screamed,  you chose rock along with other except Akashi.

"Ah... Well, I should gone to teacher's room.  My teacher was searching me," Akashi stood up and began to walk away.

"Oi, Akashi! Rule is rule!" Aomine couldn't accept what Akashi said. For the first time, you saw Akashi lose over something so stupid, a stupid game.

"Repeat it, Aomine," Akashi showed a scissor to Aomine from afar, it does give us a chill on the spine, not only Aomine.

"Whaaa nevermind, just mind your business," Aomine looked straight at you.

"So it's true anyway," you mumbled you to yourself as Akashi disappear from the place.

"Hmm?" Kise looked at you.

"Ah, nothing important," you waved at Kise to make sure if it's nothing to do with him.

"Heh, that was scary," Aomine ruffled his hair.

"You sure are strong, Midorima"

"I have no idea what you are talking about," Midorima adjusted his eyeglasses.

"Well, let's continue the game," Kise shouted.

"But it's totally new seeing Akashi lose in a game like this" Aomine up for speak again.

"I do agree with you. Or maybe he just being so pity because no one will lose on this when he comes?" Midorima took a bizarre conclusion.

"Ha? Impossible. Well let's start!"


Author's note(s) : I am still thinking for theme of the next chapter.  So if I get it soon, there will be no problem for the next update

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