Chapter 3 : Self Curiousness

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Today is your second day in Teiko Middle School. You are quite disappointed yesterday because you couldn't meet with the boys that Kise and Kuroko told to you. So you wished you can meet them today.

You are not in mood for class, so you went to the school library. Once you get a good reference book, you will stick with it a whole day. But today, you didn't get any good reference books from the library. So you ended up sitting on the seats for reader.

"Seats in library not for daydreaming, nanodayo," someone startled you from behind.

Someone who startled you sat in front of you, face-to-face with you. He has a tall figure, maybe his height same with Kise. The boy has a green hair and eyeglasses on his face. Few minutes later, the green haired boy opened his notes, he writes something on it. Then, you noticed if he is left handed.

"You're left handed?"

"Yes I am, what's wrong with it?"

"Can you write your name with your right hand?" you teased him, but curious too.

"For stranger, asking something like that to someone is rude, nanodayo," he is not amused with your question.

"Okay then. I'll do the same with my left hand too," you pouted at him.

The green haired boy nodded and wrote his name using his right hand. After that, he gives you his notes and the pen. You couldn't read his name. So as you said before, you wrote your name using your left hand (just pretending you are right handed for those left handed people, include me c: well im left handed, no lies). As the result, it is ugly compared with the one from the green haired boy.

"Satisfied?" The green haired boy faced you.

"W-well, yes," you returned his notes and pen.

"[First Name] [Last Name],"

"E-eh, you can read it?"

"Even though it looks ugly, I still can read it, nanodayo,"

"So what's your name? I can't read yours" you asked him curiously.

"You didn't know me?" His eyes widened.

"How I possibly know yo---"

"Fine. I'm Shintaro Midorima," He cut your words, but suddenly, you are the one who widening eyes now.

"E-eh!? You're the shooter from Teiko Basketball Club?"

"You're a freshman or what? It's like a common knowledge, you know," he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Huh, you're treating a transfer student like a trash? So who's the villain now?" you shrugged.

"You're a transfer student? From where?" He adjusted his eyeglasses.


"Oh, it's probably explained why you didn't know me, nanodayo,"

"Maybe so. Are you getting along well with Kise-kun and Kuroko-kun?"

"Not really,"

"How about Midorima-kun describe them for me?"

"Who first?"

"Kise-kun first"

Midorima seems thinking, or rather ignoring you. So your next movement is taking off his eyeglasses. Your attempt done successfully, after you took his eyeglasses then you wore it and act like him. You saw his face getting annoyed with your action, although you couldn't really see him because his eyeglasses.

"Tell me, nanodayo~" you said while adjusting Midorima's eyeglasses.

"Fine," He said.

"Kise Ryouta is the small forward of Teiko Basketball Club. He is a member of Generation of Miracle. Kise can copy his opponent's movement perfectly"

"Wait, what is Generation of Miracles?" you asked him.

"Generation of Miracles is a basketball club from Teiko, there are five members in total. the members themselves has their own abilities. People called them genius on basketball"

"You're one of them?" you asked him again.

"Yes, I am"

"Wow. How about Kuroko-kun?"

"He is the shadow of Generation of Miracles. The five of us approved him as the member of Generation of Miracles, nanodayo," he said while taking off his eyeglasses from your face.


"Kuroko is the shadow, meanwhile the other members are the light. Among us, there is one person who has the brightest light. Brighter the light means darker the shadow"

"So who has the brightest light, then?"

"It's Daiki Aomine"


"Huh, I'm so tired with this conversation. I'll take my leave now," he put his eyeglasses back and stand up from his seat. You saw him holding something on his left hand.

"What's the thing on your left hand?" you asked him for the last before he leave.

"This is today's lucky item. Today's Cancer's lucky item is a heart shaped keychain, nanodayo," Midorima said and leave the library.

To be honest, he is really a weird guy. But, somehow you managed to like him, it doesn't mean you love him or anything. Well, at least, you could meet him personally.

In fact, he was kind of refusing something, or rather he was avoiding me, but why?


Author's note(s) : Yoshaa, sorry for the fast update~ I'm about to busy with my camping preparation so sorry if the next update will take a long time (somehow I managed to write the next chapter ASAP). And how's it, reader-chan? Shin-chan(xD) is kind of tsundere but I like him (but sadly he's not the one of my 3 favorite KnB charas). Anddd, sorry for my bad English QwQ See yah next chapter~

Still, I don't own KnB charas and the picture, but the story belonged to me and reader-chan(?)

Daisuki, and chu you~

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