Chapter 11 : Study Together

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How many days had been passed after that scene? You already forgot. You couldn't concentrate on your study because the last Valentine's Day. Your mind still full with the kisses scene.

You buried your face under your Japanese book while laying on the sofa in living room. You weren't doing anything worth this Sunday, and also, you need to face tomorrow's exam.

You could hear the intercom bell rang. So who's the one visit me today? You rushed to the front house door then open it.

"Good morning, [Last Name]," you weren't expected the one who come to visit you.

"Akashi-kun, Murasakibara-kun, Midorima-kun, and Aomine-kun too. Why come here?" you spelled their names one by one.

"Study together," Akashi said proudly.

"Why you didn't tell me first so I can prepare everything, ugh," you patted your forehead, turned your gaze from them.

"You didn't receive text from me?" he frowned.

"A-ah," you picked your cellphone on the pocket. And there was a message from Akashi, how stupid are you.

"It's okay," Akashi said.

"Do you mind if we bother you here? For study's sake," Akashi added.

"We will help you on subject you haven't mastered, nanodayo," Midorima took a step ahead before Akashi.

"Also, this is today's [Zodiac Name] lucky item," he handed you a dog key chain.

"Aw so cute," you took the key chain from Midorima's right hand.

"Hello [Last Name]cchi," there is him, Kise, showed behind Aomine.

"Is that long to call Kuroko?" Akashi gave a gaze to Kise.

"W-well...." Kise ruffled his hair.

"Sorry for waiting," the phantom player said. You didn't notice him if he is beside Akashi.

"W-whoaa," you let out a shout. It's been awhile since the last time he used his misdirection to you.

"W-well, let's go inside" you let them go inside your house. You led them to the living room.

Murasakibara, Midorima, and Akashi were sat on the sofa meanwhile the rest sat on the floor. You put cookies and potato chips on the table.

"[Last Name]," Akashi called.

"What is it, Akashi-kun?"

"Mind if we stay here for a day? It's okay to refuse it," Akashi asked.

"I don't mind, but I can't provide you with beds," you replied.

"It's okay. We already bothered [Last Name] to stay here"

"[Last Name]-chin," Murasakibara raised his hand.

"What is it?" you looked at Murasakibara.

"I haven't washed my winter uniform," Murasakibara lowered his head.

"Ah, mine too," Kise raised his hand.

"Oh my, you guys are lazy," you bumped your head against the wall softly.

"Who else?"

"Me," you could hear voice from Aomine.

"Midorima-kun? Akashi-kun?" you looked at Midorima and Akashi.

"No worries, I have washed mine yesterday," Akashi said. He already started reading a book.

"I'm not the type of lazy, nanodayo," Midorima adjusted his eyeglasses, he also already started reading a book as well.

"Okay. I will wash the uniforms," you shrugged.

Murasakibara, Aomine, and Kise took their uniforms from their bags. You took the uniforms and went to the bathroom. You put the uniforms inside washing machine lazily. Although the uniforms not stinky but still, it's annoying.

"[Last Name]-san," someone called you from behind, Kuroko really startled you.

"Don't do it okay. Anyway, what is it?" you turned on the washing machine.

"Um, can you wash mine?" he handed his winter uniform.

"Why you didn't say it before?" you are annoyed. How could you forget him.

"Uh, I was back to my room to take my uniform," he replied you, emotionless.

"No one home?" you asked.

"Yes," he said.

"Fine," you took his uniform, turned off the washing machine and put the uniform inside.

Kuroko went outside the bathroom, meanwhile you, you are stood in front of the washing machine. And also, you used your favourite detergent, but was afraid if they don't like it.

After the washing stuff done, you went outside through front door with a basket full of uniforms. You put it on the tied string while humming the music you listened yesterday. You turned your body and saw the boys are staring at you from the living room. After done with the uniforms, you walked to the living room through the glass door.

"What?" you slide the glass door and went inside the living room.

The boys' gazes went focused to the books, except one person. Aomine is laying on the floor sleeping while a book covering his face.

"Study!" you stepped on Aomine's feet.

"Ouch, it hurts," Aomine complained. He gets up from his laying position.

"You should study, Aomine-kun," you scolded him.

"You are not my mother so don't bother me," Aomine laid on the floor once again.

You got mad with Aomine's action so you threw the basket to Aomine's face. Everyone in living room is laughing over your action.

"Just let him sleep, [Last Name]-chin," Murasakibara said. He is studying while snacking.

"He's such a lazy on studying," you mumbled then took the basket.

You are walking to the bathroom and put the basket there. There is nothing happened until Kise screamed.


You rushed to the living room and seek what made Kise screamed. You caught Aomine reading a porn magazine. You took the porn magazine with full of rage and made a bonfire outside. You let the fire burned the magazine.

"Damn you!! My magazine!" Aomine shouted.

"You must study for tomorrow, Aomine-kun!" you shouted back.

"I will going to make you naked tomorrow!" Aomine shouted again. Those words made other Generation of Miracles made, in the end, he got punches from them.

"I don't know I should sad or laugh" you sighed.

Huh, today will be the worst day I ever had.


Author's note(s) : Maybe this series will have more than 20 chapters u.u And please don't forget to vote(s) and comment qwq (orighty don't forget to follow)

I'm not owning KnB charas, all the picts, and reader-chan

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