Chapter 2.5 : All About Fate

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The Kise boy really dragged you to the school canteen. You couldn't resist his wish nor his power on dragging you to have lunch with him and his teammates. Really, he is indeed stranger but acting like best friend, huh so annoying.

"Could you not to pull my right hand, Kise-kun?" you asked him, getting annoyed.

"Woopsie, okay~" he let go of your right hand, grinning at you.

"What's with the face? Like you're the one who know me the most" you let a small sigh, just from what planet he was born?

"Ah, cruel," He replied while facing you with a fake sad face.

There was no more thing to say, not from me nor Kise. You followed Kise's footsteps, no more than that. After all, you didn't know what to ask, it's gonna be impossible if you are asking him if he has a girlfriend or not because you and Kise are just knowing each other for hours not yet a day or a year. How could you fall in love with him in the first sight? Ha, hard to believe or nearly impossible, except if the fate demand you to love him in the first place.

The two of you arrived at the destination, school canteen. To your surprise, it ia quite wide and so comfortable. You could see some students enjoying their meals together. Not really different when you were in America. But somehow, the atmosphere itself a bit different.

After finished on buying lunch meals, Kise led you the way. You followed him from behind, your figure really tiny compared with his tall figure, even no one noticing you from the front side.

"Kurokocchi!" Kise waved his left hand. Wait, Kurokocchi? Don't tell me...

As you move from behind the tall figure, as you expected, Kise greeted someone you know recently, Kuroko. He is alone enjoying his meal and soon, Kise took a seat beside him. You did the same, but you chose a seat that made you face-to-face with them, so you can easily talk with them.

"Hello," Kuroko greeted you, emotionlessly.

"It's really great I can have a lunch time with you, Kuroko-kun. And err... with Kise-kun too"

"Oh wait, Kurokocchi and [Last Name]cchi already knew each other?" The model quite surprised.

"[Last Name]-san happened to be my neighbor," Kuroko said then chewing his meals.

"For real?"

"Uhm," Kuroko replied him with a nod.

"Ah, so I'm not the first then," Kise said while pouting at Kuroko.

"Is Kuroko-kun one of your teammates?" you asked Kise.

"Yup, he is my basketball tutor too. He is really great ,and I can't deny it," Kise replied while hanging his right hand around Kuroko's neck.

"Kise-kun, please stop it," Kuroko said.

"Ah, sorry. I'm just too carried away"

"Ahaha, it's really Kise-kun," you chuckled at Kise.

You guys enjoying your meals together. You could see both of Kise and Kuroko tried to steal a sight from you, or it was you? Ah, if you have food with you, who cares about it?

Kise, who have done with his meals, broke the silence around you.

"Kurokocchi, why just the three of us having lunch here? Where is the others?"

"Both Aomine-kun, Midorima-kun, and Akashi-kun are busy today. How about Murasakibara-kun?"

"Murasakibaracchi absence today" Kise let out a sigh.

"Aomine-kun? Midorima-kun? Akashi-kun? Murasakibara-kun?" you asked them.

"Aomine-kun is the ace of Teiko Basketball Club, meanwhile Akashi-kun is the captain," Kuroko faced at you.

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