Chapter 2 : Embarrassment

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You were realized before wearing your new middle school uniform, you will be one school with your new neighbor, Kuroko. You didn't know it until this morning, it's actually awkward to think that you and him in the same school.

You rush in the way to Teiko Middle School, without noticing, you bumped into someone, like yesterday. And again, Kuroko!?

"Good morning, [Last Name]-san," Kuroko faced you with his composed emotionless face like if nothing happened.

"G-good morning, Kuroko-kun. I-it seems we're in the same school," you are a bit nervous yourself because you bumped into him again like what happened yesterday.

"Let's go to school together, shall we?"

"Let's go, Kuroko-kun"

You talked with Kuroko happily, you and Kuroko are upperclassmen, but different class. He wasn't telling many things, so you too, you didn't know what to ask him about.

You and Kuroko arrived in Teiko Middle School. You are separated with Kuroko in the way to you locker. You took uwabaki from a locker that signed for you. You wore it and walked slowly to your classroom, 2-B. You are quite nervous at this rate.

You entered 2-B classroom, you are greeted by the homeroom teacher and other students. You don't know what to do, and a bit stunned at the same time.

"Come here, [Last Name]-san. Introduce yourself in front of the class," The homeroom teacher pull your right hand softly.

"I-i'm [First Name] [Last Name]. I'm a transfer student from America. Let's get along well. A-anyway, any questions?" you are so nervous, bitting your bottom lip softly.

"[Last Name]cchi, you have a boyfriend?" A blonde haired boy asked you, his question made you slightly blushing in the place. All the glares goes to the yellow haired boy.

"W-well, it's quite complicated. Uh, forever single," you said while trying not to looking at the blond haired boy.

"Oh, okay okay~" he seems happy with your answer.

After the Q&A section, you walk to the seat that the homeroom teacher pointed for you. You are too nervous but the blond haired boy really showing his sassiness towards you. He shows his puppy eyes to you when you passed his seat. It was kind of adorable but annoying at the same time.

"[Last Name]cchi~ would you like to eat lunch with me and my teammates?" The blond haired boy shakes your hands as you sat in your seat. Your face felt burning because his action.

"H-hey, I would to b-but please introduce yourself first. I can't really accept stranger's wish, right?" you glared at him and he stops shaking your hands.

"I'm Ryota Kise, I'm a basketball player. Beside basketball, I'm working as a model. To be honest, it's really nice to know you"

"R-really?" you looked at your surrounding, the girls in class kind of envious with your sudden conversation with the boy named Kise Ryouta.

"Did I really telling you some lies?" Kise pouting at me.

"I-I don't mean like that. You were start to talk with me a-and I-I just..." you stop your words, he's really friendly to you all of sudden and that's why you couldn't describe him now.

"Heh, you're really interesting," Kise smiled at you, it was sweeeeet one.

Interesting. Someone like him had described you with such word in your first day in the new school. Not bad after all, or he was just acting like an actor? Ah, too negative to think like that.

The air smells sweet at the time, like a sweet smelled perfume had been sprayed on the air. You have made friends with a boy who has lack presence, and now a model. You could smell your middle school life will full of happiness.


Author's note(s) : Kill meh for dis *offers a knife* he's just naïve and else. His sassiness is ugly and I hate him (Although he's one of my 3 favorite KnB charas lol) oh alright he's just being himself so forget me xD Anyway enjoy your time Readeeer-chan, and don't forget to message meeeee (plox?). Whoa, I'm kind of spoiling people too much, anway, see you on the next time. Luph you~

KnB and pictures not belonged to me but the story does •^•

Update ASAP, chu you~

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