Chapter 8 : Past Memory

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"Why the hell you two here?!" you screamed after stepped in the bus. All attentions goes to you.

You saw two figures you are familiar with. It's Kuroko, and Kise. They waved at you, they really make your plan gonna fly away from your mind.

"Here [Last Name]cchi~" you went to the seats which Kuroko and Kise sat while feeling embarrassed with what you did awhile ago.

"Why you two here?" you sighed. You sit between Kise and Kuroko.

"I was invited by Kise-kun to accompany him," as usual, Kuroko replied you with his usual emotionless face.

"We are going to visit a bookstore, how about [Last Name]cchi?"

"Ah, me too," both Kise and Kuroko startled by your answer.

"[Last Name]-san should go together with us," Kuroko said.

"Yeah, It's not good for a girl to go alone," Kise added.

"O-okay then" you frowned.

"Because [Last Name]cchi still new here, we should guide her properly"

"Ah yeah, it's been long since the last time I lived here," you nodded at Kise.

"How about we going to Kurokocchi's favourite restaurant?"

"Good idea, Kise-kun. I'm in mood for a vanilla shake," you could see Kuroko smiles a bit.

"Uhm, let's go"

The bus stopped in front of a bus stop, that time Kise pulled your hand so that means we must left the bus. After the three of you stepped out from the bus, you followed Kuroko and Kise from behind. No one of you  talks until Kuroko broke the silence.

"What book [Last Name]-san will buy?"

"Japanese education book," you replied him.

"You are poor on Japanese?" Kise turned his head to face you.

"Kinda yeah. I'm bad on Hiragana, I never studied Japanese when I was aboard,"

"Why not asking Kurokoccchi to tutor you? Or Akashicchi?" Kise touched his chin.

"Akashi-kun already tutored me, and I don't want to ask him to tutor me again because he usually is busy with stuffs," honestly, it was half true.

"How about with Kurokocchi?" Kise looked at the light blue haired boy who walked side-to-side with him.

"I can't depending on him too much just because he is my neighbor," you let out a sigh while shrugging.

"Because he is your neighbor, you can ask a help from him," Kise pouted.

"I don't mind after all," Kuroko looked at Kise.

"Let's tutor her in school, the one who can make her fast learning Japanese, can sleepover with [Last Name]cchi for a night" Kise said. His words surprised you.

"Count me in," Kuroko said with emotionless face.

"Why sleepover? That's bad, you know," you shoved both Kise and Kuroko while trying to hide your blushed face.

"Don't take it seriously, [Last Name]cchi"

"It's not true, right?" you asked him.

"Just a joke," Kise replied shortly.

You could see a restaurant named 'Maji Restaurant' few metres in front of you. After you crossed the street, Kise and Kuroko went in the restaurant with you followed them from behind.

"Do you want to order something, [Last Name]-san? Let me know it," Kuroko offered.

"Um, one vanilla shake," you said.

"Just seat there, [Last Name]cchi" Kise pointed at seats near the restaurant window.


You walked to the seats and pick seat the one nearest the restaurant window. You saw your reflection through the window, you are imagining yourself back when you lived in America. Taiga sometimes invited you to a restaurant and he often treated you. Well, Taiga's appetite was the worst, you wondered how much money he need spends to get his belly stuffed with meals.

"Here's your vanilla shake, [Last Name]-san," the light blue haired startled you. Everything you thought on your brain all shattered.

"Don't startle me like that, Kuroko-kun," you complained and took the vanilla shake from Kuroko.

"Sorry [Last Name]-san. I'll be careful next time," the light haired face-to-face with you.

"Ah, so what [Last Name]-san thinking awhile ago? I saw you smiling" Kuroko drank his vanilla shake.

"There were some memories when I lived in America, I really missed my old friend," you propped your head with your right hand and looked at the window once again.

"Was he likes basketball?" Kuroko asked.

"Street basketball," your lips grew a little smile.

"He really must be liked basketball so much," he said.


"Eh, what are you two talking about?" Kise sat next to Kuroko.

"Nothing," you replied.

"Aw, why not telling me?" Kise pouted, he ate his burger while showing an annoyed face.

"Because you are annoying," you said. Once again, you couldn't left your vision from the window.

Can I meet him again? I really missed him so much


Author's note(s) : Should I make ending for each KnB charas? >^<

I didn't own KnB charas~

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