Chapter 7 : Unproductive Talk

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It was tough, you failed few times on writing words in Hiragana. Akashi, who face to face with you, let out a small sigh. He corrected it while facing you with a bored face.

"I'm so stupid," you landed your head on the table.

"Do you think so?" Beside of correcting the wrong Hiragana letters you wrote, he also wrote his name in Kanji letters on your notes.

"Why you wrote your name on my notes?"

"I thought you are not good on Japanese?" he replied.

"Pffft, not like that too," you tried not to laugh for his action.

"As I expected, you are still good on reading Kanji," he smiled.


"You never studied Japanese when you live in America?" Akashi used his left hand to prop his head.

"Yes, why should I study Japanese when there's no Japanese class there?"

"Good point,"Akashi touched your forehead using his right pointed finger.

Akashi wrote a Japanese word. You tried to write it in Hiragana letters, but your head completely blank at the same time.

"It's wrong, [Last Name]," Akashi held your right hand, he led the way to write the word to Hiragana correctly.

"A-akashi-kun?" you called his name.

"Ah, sorry. I was too carried away," Akashi looked as composed as he usually looks like. Few seconds after, he let go of your right hand.

"Are you okay, Akashi-kun?" you asked the red haired boy.

"I was busy this lately"

"Sorry if I asking this. Does being a perfect person is fun?" Then, Akashi landed his chin on the table.

"Dunno. My parents never wanted me to be a perfect person," you said.

"You have such good parents," Akashi pats your head.

"Really? Well, they're always care about me, but, I can't see them often because they're busy with their works" you gulped, everything taste so bitter.

"How about Akashi-kun's parents?" you added.

"My father busy with his work...." Akashi stopped for awhile. He gets up from his position.

"My mother..... She died when I was still a kid," he added. You are regret on asking about his parents.

"I'm sorry for asking it, Akashi-kun," you held his hands.

"It's okay, [Last Name]"

There is a silence covering you. You still held Akashi's hands, meanwhile, Akashi himself just starred at you. You feel it so awkward then you let your hands unwrapped his.

"Did you have a close friend when live in America?" Akashi asked you.

"I had two, but, I don't know about their conditions right after I started to live in Japan," you replied him while rubbing your right ear.

"Boys or girls?"


"Were they like to play basketball?" Akashi looks so curious.

"Yes, but a street basketball " you stared at the this library ceiling.

"So, you can play basketball?"

"Yes, just a bit. They were taught me how to play basketball," you lowered your head and look at Akashi.

"How about one-on-one with me?" Akashi chuckled at you.

"Of course I lose," you pouted at him.

"We haven't tried it yet"

"Isn't the result is obvious?"

"Hmm, maybe," Akashi touched his chin.

You are trying not to look at Akashi. Then you decided to draw something on your notes, but then... Suddenly, Akashi wrapped his fingers around yours. You could feel his warmth. You didn't know what to react, as the result, you let him wrapped his fingers as he wants.

"You are so warm, [Last Name]," Akashi lowered his voice.

"Akashi-kun too," you closed your eyes.

As soon as you closed your eyes,  however,  something unexpected happened to you. You opened your eyes, you could see Akashi so close to you. Even, his lips touched yours. As your reflect, you kissed him back. He seems accepted it happily.

"A-akashi-kun?" you called him.

"Ah, sorry. You can slap me as you please"

"E-eh? Hmm"

You took your notes and....  you hit him with it softly on his head. You couldn't really slap him with your bare hand. He responded the hit with a such strange expression.

"You are not mad with my action? " Akashi asked.

"Hmm, not really. But it was rude,  Akashi-kun"

"Haha, sorry. I shall not do the same next time"

You could hear the library door is opened. You saw Midorima stood right in the opened door. He walked towards you and Akashi. His face looks serious.

"What's wrong, Midorima?" Akashi looked at Midorima.

"You forgot about the meeting?" Midorima lowered his back.

"Ah, I forgot about it"

"How could you forget about it, nanodayo?!" Midorima said, getting annoyed.

"Plenty reasons," a short reply from Akashi.

"Okay, let's go"

"I take my leave now, [Last Name]" Akashi smiled and together with Midorima, walked out from the library.

"Really, how could you forget it?" I could hear Midorima complaining again.

"I told you before, I have plenty reasons," Akashi replied him.

What was it?  A kiss from Akashi-kun?  And why kissed him back?  He really is a nice guy.


Author's note(s) : I was about to dying after my old phone broken. And that was the reason I republished this series qwq

I really not own KnB charas, gomenne

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