Chapter 28

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"I hope you find someone who doesn't make you sad at night and someone who reminds you how much they love you every day and who laughs at your jokes, and wants to listen to your music, and who genuinely wants to be with you and doesn't make you second guess their love for you. I really hope you find that. You deserve that." I say as I keep staring intently to that woman who has electric blue eyes. She really looks so sad as she runs her fingers on the grand piano.

She stops playing when she heard that. "Like you?" a playful smile formed her lips, as if she wasn't so down a moment ago. "You really like me that much, don't you?"

I felt my cheeks heating up as I am sitting on the bed. I averted my gaze as my frail heart keeps beating faster.

This is wrong. Everything is wrong. She asked if where I want to go and I immediately told her I want to go in the beach. So she drove us here and got us a luxurious cottage where we could spend some time.

But instead of running in the beach, I was still stuck in here. I just can't leave her when she looks so down and so sad.

"Go. Enjoy the beach outside. I'll drop you home before the night falls." She dismissed before starting to play again.

"Is it okay to like you?" I innocently asked which made her glance at me with that questioning look.

I cough to hide my slight embarrassment. "I'm fat and ugly. It's not okay right?" that realization made me peep at the view outside the window. "I've got no rights to like y—"

"It's okay." She cuts me.


"I said it's okay." There's a glint of amusement in those electric blue eyes. "I told you. It's inevitable. It's just a matter of time."

I bowed my head to hide myself from grinning widely and to stop myself from nearly squealing in delight.

"Okay." I raised my head and smile. "When all of this is done, just go and forget me. I'll do the same." I handed her the candy.

She shakes her head. "I want to be with you by myself. I don't need that. It will only make me forget you, too."

I stared at her in disbelief. Is she for real?

"You want to forget, right?" I asked, full of conviction. "That's why you're staying with me. That's why you're asking me to make you these candies."

"What if I never want to forget you and just want to stay here with you?" She chuckles as she's lightly tapping the piano keys."What if, all my life, when I met someone new, I can never fall for them because they aren't you?" 

"You're lying."

"Am I?"

"Yes." I answered. "I am only confident at one thing." I tried shutting my own feelings when I said, "I am confident that I can make you come to me because of these candies. But only come—" I could feel my heart bleeding as I add, "—not stay. You'll forget me too."

"If that so, then let me tell you this now before I forget." She stops playing and diverts her eyes to meet mine. "You will be the most precious memory I'll ever hold. These moments I have with you will make me bleed. But I will keep holding in it even if I bleed. And No, I will never tell you that it makes me cry too whenever I forget about you. So stop insulting me by pushing me away. You're the only person I run to, when everyone runs away."

I wiped the tears that fell my cheeks when I remember that scene. That was the first time that Rainey didn't ask for candies. I was so happy. She asked me to meet her after Ember's birthday party. She'll be giving me a gift daw. I was so excited as she made my hope meter too high by making me believe there was something between us. I planned the whole week. The color of my dress, the jewelries I would wear, I even starve myself to death to be able to squeeze in a fancy dress thinking she'd like me more. I have everything ready and prepared.

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