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Mourns of the dead echoed around the silent night. Curtains fluttered harshly from the sneaky breeze coming from the open window. A few figures wandered in the empty streets and sounds of water dripping bounced off the walls. A small family sat together on their couch staring blankly at the flashing TV screen. 

"-today's news. There will be a huge storm and an incoming attack coming towards Downsville. Please, everyone. Lock your doors and windows and head underground. Be safe!" the TV flickered off by itself as the wind howled louder. Stumbling to their feet. The parents hurried towards the basement hugging their children towards their chest. 

"Alo mora," the mother whispered. Their belongings fluttered gently into the small bag the mother held. Quickly, the children's father opened the basement beckoning the family to hurry inside before locking the door shut and securing many of the locks and chains onto it. Patters of feet echoed in the dark as the family rushed deeper underground towards the village's underground base and hurried into their tent that was set up for them.

In the entrance of the base. A figure glanced around hesitantly holding a bundle in their hands. They creeped into the spell-bounded base full of creatures of all sorts of kinds until they spotted a dull tree stump near them. Carefully, the figure placed the bundle down and hurried out of the base.

"JANET! JANET! GET THE HELL IN HERE!" a loud demanding voice ordered. A young petite woman hurried into one of the tents underground.

"Yes sir?" she asked without batting a single tremble. The leader of the village narrowed his eyes before rubbing his face.

"Find me a child," he ordered. Janet frowned with confusion.

"Why sir? What kind of child?" she asked. The leader sighed.

"A child of any, if their guardians allow to give them away," he answered. Janet nodded hurriedly before rushing out of the tent asking many people as she passed. So far, nobody allowed to send their child to the leader. Janet's face was sullen as she glanced around every inch and corner of the base before her eyes landed on a bundle lying on a stump. She hurried over inspecting the bundle closely.

"What?" she wondered, it was a child. Janet reached out her hand toward the child and recoiled at the electric shock. She glanced around before finding a paper beside the child. Picking up the paper and eyeing the child, she unfolded the paper carefully.

Dear whoever finds this child,

Her name is called Winter Amethyst Summer-Storm. She has been left here because I don't think it is safe for her to live with us. She is currently 2 years old. Her birthday is on the 12th of October and born 10pm at night. Winter used to live with her parents until her their passing became somewhat abrupt, and have been sent to this torturing orphanage. Please look after her. 

Many thanks,

Janet gawked at the child before picking Winter up and carried her towards the leader's tent. As soon as she entered. The leader clapped his hands looking delighted.

"Well done Janet," he grinned proudly. Janet nodded suspiciously.

"Why do you need a child?" she demanded. The leader sighed slightly before leaning towards Janet.

"I need a child as a sacrifice," he whispered staring into her eyes daringly waiting for her to refuse. Janet blinked fearfully glancing at the child hesitantly.

"To who?" she queried. The leader just laughed darkly. 

"I don't know still," he hissed before nodding at one of the guards who took the toddler from Janet's arms. Janet gasped in fright as the guards disappeared with the child.

"Where are you taking her?" she snarled dangerously. The leader leered at Janet narrowing his eyes.

"What? You going against me?" he smirked. Janet immediately straightened her back avoiding his gaze.

"No sir," she replied staring blankly at a random painting of the leader as a kid and a girl beside him.

"Ah. How I like it," he smiled before leaving the tent. Janet stared at her hands feeling fearful. What is going to happen to the child? She wondered. Janet thought of the note she found beside the child. Slowly, she exited the tent and wondered glancing at all families who hugged their children protectively. Their eyes darting around fearfully, their hands kept on clenching and unclenching. Chewing on her bottom lip curiously, Janet approached an empty shack knocking on the door twice. No reply came and she pushed the creaky door open before peering inside. Cobwebs hung at every corner and parchments of paper laid messily in a heap on a broken desk. Pieces of glass were scattered across the floor glinting under the surprisingly still glowing lamp. Sucking in a breath, Janet reached the tangled parchments before untangling them. Who lives here? she thought for a while before squinting at the words on the incredibly long parchment. A paragraph caught her attention. Stopping her movements she stared incredulously at the paper with a writing scrawled across neatly.

3 years has passed. Yet danger is still around. I predict. That some child will save the world.. Not to be childish really. But, what if the world falls apart and there's no heroes there to save the day? My parents used to say to me when I was a little boy that there's always a hero there to save the day even when you believe that it is impossible. I still wonder to this day. If my parents are correct. I presume they are. I don't want to let them down by not believing them.. I must hurry and leave this place. Travel the world to King Vynx's castle. There I shall meet the past's Chosen Ones. This is exciting.

That was what was written. It was the last paragraph of the whole parchment. Janet sighed quietly before neatly arranging the parchments and stepped outside of the shack. Silence greeted her. Everyone were inside their tents. Janet groaned before sulking towards her tent. But as she sulked. She cannot shake off a strange feeling after being in the old abandoned shack. It seemed like there was someone there watching her every move. She shivered fearfully speeding into her tent for safety. This is really peculiar.


First chapter done! What'd you think? Enjoyy!

1058 words.

Bringing Both Worlds Together (Prophecy Of The Chosen Ones Series) 3Where stories live. Discover now