C H A P T E R 9

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The pub was huge and much bigger than Gruff's tavern. 

"Woah," Loira gasped. Loquin rolled his eyes. 

"This is huge inn," Loira mumbled loud enough for Gruff to hear. Gruff who snorted in annoyance.

"Of course it's meant to be huge dumbo. It's where people stay to eat and sleeeeeeeeeep," Loquin drawled dragging his last word. Loira huffed.

"Fine," she waved her hand dismissively. 

"Sheesh," Francis snickered at Loquin's annoyed expression.

Winter admired the huge building. Cream coloured bricks and wooden planks were used to make the inn. Golden orbs of lights lit the whole inn up. Bustling and loud chatters sounded from inside the inn.

"Be prepared," Zed nodded at Winter who gave him a bland expression. Gruff threw the wooden door open and immediately, loud music shook the inn and people laughed and boasted about their jobs and their life.

"Ah. My good old cuz. Gruff. Welcome to my inn. You here to check my pristine updated inn?" a rather large man boasted arrogantly. Gruff rolled his eyes. 

"Shut up, my tavern was attacked and we have guests here," Gruff replied pointedly. Finally, Bulk noticed his cousin's guests.

"Ah. I apologise for my boisterous behaviour earlier. I might have had too much to drink," Bulk burped loudly. The group cringed as Bulk's other friends laughed and slapped his back after his burp.

"You're always boisterous Bulk. Stop making excuses," Gruff scolded his cousin giving his friends an apologetic look. Bulk shoved his cousin aside.

"What can I do for ya'll? Ya'll lookin' tired. Mayb, I book rooms for ya'll to stay? How long ya'll stayin'?" Bulk squinted his eyes at the group in front of him. Lovei placed his hands on his hips.

"Bulk. We want 4 rooms. One for the wedded couple, one for the lil girls, one for the lil boys and one for Gruff and I," Lovei listed off making Gruff flush bright red.

"Oi. No. One room for Gruff and one for me," Gruff glared at Lovei who rolled his eyes. Bulk cackled in booming laughter.

"Nah. Lovei will share a room with you. No protests. It's final or I'll kick you out," Bulk mocked Gruff who growled in frustration shoving past Lovei as he stormed upstairs.

"Right. Enjoy your night," Bulk bid the group good-bye before disappearing into the crowd.

"Gruff went this way. C'mon," Lovei led the group up the wooden stairs showing them the rooms he reserved.

"Have a goodnight," he bidded the rest goodnight before strutting into the room he and Gruff shared. Zed and Janet smiled sweetly at the children before walking off. Francis glanced around secretively before turning to his friends.

"Do you think Bulk would be able to answer our questions? He seems to be very.. boisterous and loud," Francis frowned. Loquin shrugged.

"How the frick-frack paddy-wack should we know?" he glared at his cousin who sighed. Loira stared around her.

"We should head to our rooms now, goodnight," she nodded at the boys dragging Winter away after their exchange of goodnights.


"Sir! She's not responsive!"

"SHUT UP AND KEEP SAVING HER!!" Gruff roared with rage. The medics attempted to bring his love back to life in vain as he watched them like a hawk with anger brewing deep in his eyes.

"It's useless," a cold voice spoke from behind. Gruff growled lowly turning around.

"You know nothing, cousin. You're just jealous," Gruff sneered. But Bulk smiled menacingly.

"Oh really? Tell me why?" he mocked. Gruff snarled dangerously. 

"Because, if you still haven't figured it out. I had a delicious taste of your lover whilst strangling her, quite delirious cousin. A pity you don't share.." Bulk paused a sneer broke onto his face as he eyed Gruff's expression.

"They I stabbed her hard and furious-"

"SHUT UP!!" Gruff bellowed slamming his cousin on the wall.

"Aw what a silly shame. Is cousin j-"

"I dare you to finish," Gruff shook in fury. Bulk's booming laughter echoed.

"She killed your brother. Don't you know? She. Killed. Your. Brother. Our own blood and family after finding out what we are," Bulk choked out, his face turning blue and purple.

"I'm terribly sorry sir. But she has met her end," a terrified medic trembled bowing her head. Gruff screamed in pain and outrage throwing Bulk across the room. He kneeled on the floor crawling to his deceased lover gripping her arm tightly and rocking himself demanding her to wake up.


Gulping a handful of air, Gruff shot up panting. He gripped the covers tightly his eyes scanning the room frantically. Lovei sat up exhaustedly. His eyes filled with concern.

"Hey.. uh are you alright?" Lovei reached his hand out. Gruff flinched groaning. Lovei frowned staring at his hand feeling rejected. Gruff abruptly shot out of the bed.

"I best do... uh my business," he stuttered slamming the door closed as he walked out of his room. Gruff's loud stomp woke up some people including the children. Loira exchanged glances with Winter who shrugged at her snuggling deeper into her covers ready to sleep until their room's door slammed open making her fizz in annoyance. 

"I was going to sleep," Winter fizzled opening her eyes to see the two boys standing at the door staring at the two girls awkwardly.

"Come in," Loira motioned them in.

"Right," Francis cleared his throat.


"Did you hear the loud stomps? Is there a monster from the human world stomping about? Ooh. Ah. Maybe a burglar!" Loquin's bright blue eyes enlarged incredibly almost sucking in Winter at the glow his orbs provided with a whirlpool of colours.

"Um.." Loira startled the two out of their accidental staring contest.

"Did you hear the door slam?" Francis asked pressing on answers.

"Yuh. Of course. Who couldn't?" she asked. Winter raised her hand innocently.

"I didn't," the others stared at her like she grew two heads.

"What?" she protested. Loquin laughed softly cooing at Winter before leaning close and ruffled her hair making her glare at him. Francis pinched her nose softly making Winter scrunched her nose in irritation and Loira laughed her head off falling out of the bed.

"Soooo cute," she giggled quickly snapping a pic secretly to treasure the moment.

"Indeed. A very nice moment to capture," A soft soothing voice whispered through the window. Unknowingly, Loquin's bright innocent blue eyes glowed strangely.


Wassupo. *Salutes to readers*. Didn't want to ruin the enchanting moment the friends are sharing with questions from Loira about the door slam and stomps. Maybe it will be the last? Mwhahah. XD. Hope you enjoyed.

1100 words.

Bringing Both Worlds Together (Prophecy Of The Chosen Ones Series) 3Where stories live. Discover now