C H A P T E R 2

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Winter stared blankly at the wall for a few seconds before frowning. The world was extremely dangerous now. There should've been a prophecy out already years ago since the writing on the wall seemed to be written four years ago. Winter glanced around her cautiously before venturing deeper into the cave. Cool air greeted her. Drips sounded and bounced off the walls around her. Her footsteps sounded in the quiet cave. Suddenly, light invaded the cave. Winter blinked slowly and looked around.

"Wow," she murmured looking around impressively. Pine and spruce trees scattered around and a small clear pond was nestled in the reeds. The sunlight shone through the tree branches lighting Winter's path. Birds sang and crickets chirp around the strange woods inside the cave. Winter glanced around cautiously before walking deeper into the woods. Clicking her tongue. Winter walked around silently before continuing on her path. A quiet rustle caught her attention. She turned around to see a bird feeding its chicks. Letting out a sigh, she walked deeper into the woods. The trees' colour started to become darker. The sound of animals vanished. Winter glanced around suspiciously before seeing a dim light in the distance. Hurriedly, she quietly walked towards the light to greet many sights of cabins and tents around the area. The area seems to be abandoned. 

"Hmph," she pushed the door of the dim litted house open and peered inside warily. Papers were scattered around the room messily. A broken mirror laid on the ground reflecting the dusty and full of cobwebs ceiling.  A lone candle stood by the window. It's waxy tears dripped down slowly as it was lit up. The windows shuddered as a strong gust of wind whisked by. Yet the candle still stood with its light still going closer and closer towards its death. Winter shook her head slowly staring at the stack of papers on the weak table. Creeping quietly towards it she stared at a single paper staring back at her. Black ink was scrawled messily over the page.

3 years has passed. Yet danger is still around. I predict. That some child will save the world.. Not to be childish really. But, what if the world falls apart and there's no heroes there to save the day? My parents used to say to me when I was a little boy that there's always a hero there to save the day even when you believe that it is impossible. I still wonder to this day. If my parents are correct. I presume they are. I don't want to let them down by not believing them.. I must hurry and leave this place. Travel the world to King Vynx's castle. There I shall meet the past's Chosen Ones. This is exciting.

A chilling shiver shot up Winter's spine. She stood rigid as flashes of someone's memory appeared in her mind of reading the paper. Her mind raced with a million of thoughts. Feeling wasted Winter stepped back cautiously calming her wild mind slowly. Sucking in a breath. Winter whirled around. Her eyes meeting red ones, blinking twice the red eyes vanished. Winter narrowed her eyes as she scanned her surroundings carefully cursing under her breath. She glanced back at the paper before walking out the door. Deciding to be curious, she walked into some tents. Everything were scattered on the floor. Finally, she walked through a huge tent. Inside was a bigger mess. Red splatted on some places. Might be blood. Winter cringed. Photo frames smashed to the ground and paper scattered about. A picture caught her attention of a boy and a girl together. It was torn apart with red and grey splashed on it. Grimacing, Winter started to leave but froze. A paper caught her attention. Slowly, she picked up the paper. Her eyes widening at what she read.

Dear whoever finds this child,

Her name is called Winter Amethyst Summer-Storm. She has been left here because I don't think it is safe for her to live with us. She is currently 2 years old. Her birthday is on the 12th of October and born 10pm at night. Winter used to live with her parents until her their passing became somewhat abrupt, and have been sent to this torturing orphanage. Please look after her.

Many thanks,

"What?" she mumbled glancing about wildly. This is absurd. She thought feeling the emotion of tightening in her chest wanting to find what had happen to these hidden tents and cabins. Folding the paper and putting into her pocket, she slowly left the tent. Black rocks climbed up like staircases drew Winter towards it. Walking up the stairs, she reached a wooden door. Humming quietly, Winter yanked the door open with a small force since the door was weak for being there for so long. Cold air rushed around her. More stairs went upwards. Winter's footsteps pattered as she hurried upstairs. Finally another door greeted her. It was covered in locks and chains. Grumbling, Winter mumbled a spell. The chains and locks fell with a muffled thump. She swung the door open to see an empty house with furnitures all dusty. Winter approached the TV and stared at the sofa blankly. Inspecting the TV, she accidentally turned it on. The TV flickered revealing the no signal. 

"Hm," Winter turned off the TV and walked around the house. There was no belongings around which lead to her believing the tents and cabins below was a base. She left the house and looked around the town around her. Some buildings were burned to the ground. Some were just the shells of the house. Carriages and carts were tipped to the side and rotten fruits laid on the ground. Water crashing and sea smells allowed Winter to follow the sound to see the lining of the sea. A hull of a ship laid on the shore boredly. With interest, Winter strolled towards the empty ship. Her eyes swept around feeling free but a tiny bit nervous. A light shone under the dim sun caught Winter's full attention. She entered the keel and inspected the strange chest which seemed to be founded underwater due to the barnacles and moss on it. Groaning to herself. She inspected the lock on the chest. Yanking out a bobby pin she tried wrenching it free. Then grabbed a paperclip from her pocket. Yet the lock still cannot be picked.

"It's a rusty lock darling," a voice purred behind her. Winter whirled around her eyes scanning about. But no one was there. 

"Damn," she muttered yanking hard at the lock making it snap. 

"No need to take your anger on the lock," the voice spoke again in amusement. Winter scowled but shrugged and opened the chest. Inside was a glowing globe. A panicked gasp sounded behind her. Winter turned around narrowing her eyes at nothing.

"What?" she demanded.


"Oi, don't swear in front of me," she scolded. 

"Don't use that globe when I'm here," the words stumbled out.

"Why?" Winter challenged. The voice mumbled profanities before falling silent. Winter carefully picked up the globe from the chest. The other things in the chest were human gold coins which she didn't bother sparing a glance. Supernaturals are smart of hiding this precious globe under the coins. She thought silently inspecting the globe with deep interest. It glowed comfortably in her hands. A sudden creak echoed around the ship. Winter hurriedly jumped out of the keel and off the deck then watched the ship pulled out of the shore and sinking in the shallows. 

"Peculiar isn't it, love?" the voice spoke again.

"Are you invisible?" Winter asked. The voice stayed silent before laughing nervously.

"Maybe and maybe not?"

"Why's that a question?" Winter looked amused as she wandered up the stairs. 

"Mm. I dunno," the voice answered. Winter walked along the cobblestone path and out of the town. She stood on a rock overlooking the town and breathed quietly to herself.


Hello, readers. So long I haven't updated. I'm trying to think of what else to write in this book. Lol. Just need more magical music to listen to. XD. Hope you enjoyed though. ;)).

1367 words.

Bringing Both Worlds Together (Prophecy Of The Chosen Ones Series) 3Where stories live. Discover now